
What is the best filter for a 20 gallon tank?

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Also, how much would it cost?

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  1. I paid around $30.00 for mine...

    ...and everthing's on Amazon.

  2. The USA filters already mentioned won't work in the UK (different voltage) & doesn't sell them (sometimes they list for merchants but you have to pay shipping.)

    You can buy a fluval 2+ internal or a Fluval 105 canister online

  3. i agree with andy i love penguins and you can even go double in size

  4. Penguin BIO-Wheel Aquarium Power Filters work great make sure you get the right size. i suggest going up one step and getting the 30 gal instead of the 20 gal version and will cost you around $25.

  5. Both Andy and skillz gave good options, in my opinion.  The only thing I'd like to add though, and this is if it were me, I wouldn't just get a filter that is rated for your tank size.  I'd go larger, so in skillz case, instead of the AC 20, I'd go AC 50.  That filter is not going to crank the water back in at such a high rate it will disturb the fish, but will filter your tank over at a much higher rate.  Other then the return rate being too stong, you can't have too much filtration really so going large is not going to hurt you in this case.  

    Clearly, I'm not saying like an eheim or a Fluval 405, like THAT excessive, but an AC 50 should serve you better then the 20.  I'm not that familiar with the Penguin's but a Bio Wheel isn't that bad of a choice either.

  6. Since it's a fairly small tank, I would suggest an AquaClear 20. Any filter would work good which is small, now when you are looking into the tanks that are 50+ gallons, you would have to look for specific filters, but for a small tank any would work fine. I doubt amazon would have them, but you can find a lot of great deals on Ebay, but still I would suggest going to your local pet store instead of going through all that trouble.

  7. you could get an underwater filter and a power filter that hangs on the back of the tank.

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