
What is the best fish for a new tropical tank?

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I've got a new 'Fluval' tank, ready to go with live plants but no fish as yet, bogwood and dense plants on bottom, plenty of open swimming space up top (155 litre, 24" x 24" x 24") (British measure). I'd like suggestions and help as to how many fish, which type, how many of each type and what to put in first please? I really like Cardinal Neon, any cat fish and Red tailed Rasbora. Any thoughts welcome but we are in Uk so may not be able to get all fish suggested!!!!

Many thanks in advance!




  1. Dwarf Gouramis are cute and colorful, you can keep several together. Rainbow sharks have a lot of personality but only 1 of these can be in the tank, they don't get along with others of their own kind but they're pretty. Panda cory catfish are really cute and they school so you'd need at least 3, any kind of cory catfish is a lot of fun to watch in the tank. I have 4 different kinds and they all school together.  Danios are fun: I have several Kuhli Loaches  They're neat because they like to be together. Sometimes you'll see them wrapped around each other in a pile when they're sleeping! :) Tetras are cute chooling fish

    Thats just a few of many that I like. They are all peaceful, with the exeption of the rainbow shark. Good Luck, I hope I helped!

  2. Well you have a lot of plants, most likely making the tank acidic so I would go with maybe,

    Dwarf Gouramis, Angels and Catfish are cool too.

    Also check out, you can order them offline

  3. thats sounds good. you could get a good amount of neons and maybe some upside down catfish or corys? i don't know very many small catfish that cant eat smaller fish

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