
What is the best food for my flowerhorn that can make it fast too grow his head?

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What is the best food for my flowerhorn that can make it fast too grow his head?




  1. You can take a visit at fish shop to buy special food for flowerhorn. The ingredients in those kind of artificial food is focus on:

    - body colour (to make its colour dot stronger and more silver light)

    - head pearl bigger

    - also support some vitamins, mineral to qualify for its health.

    Some tips:

    - Ask for the address of prestigious fish-shop (specialized on flowerhorn) to buy flowerhorn food. You can have good advices on a Fish forum at your local place.

    - Ask for consulting from fish seller at fish-shop for best food. Surely that they will consult you.

    If you don't like man-made food, you can raise your flowerhorn by shrimps, live small prey fish (for breeding larger fish).

    Some accessories on fish tank can be useful like, temperature adjustment machine, controlling pH in water, water pumping and filter, oxygen proving machine, etc.

    Last but not least, never should you make your flowerhorn stress!

  2. The best way to get a fish to grow faster, is to keep their water quality good, with plenty of water changes, and feeding all kinds of live, fresh, and frozen foods of high quality. Feed high quality cichlid pellets, krill, frozen bloodworms, earthworms, night crawlers, crickets, and carotene enhanced supplements.  Their looks can be altered by the type of foods they are fed as well. All fish benefit from vitamins and supplements added to their foods.

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