
What is the best food to eat after fasting?

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Occasionally when I get under a lot of emotional stress I find it nearly impossible to eat. This is especially not good for me as I have been diagnosed with hypoglycemia a few years ago. Usually my fasting periods are few and far between, and at most last about 36 hours. I usually am able to get by with drinking fruit juices during this period.

Eating solid foods when I am emotionally distressed (ie, bad breakup or fight) causes me to be nauseated. Once I resolve my funk, my body feels starved, and I don't know what the best kind of food is to nourish that.




  1. Actually the best food to break the fast is natural high carb simple sugar (a.k.a. fruit) such as dates, banana, etc.

    Afterwards, any usual meal is ok. And don't forget to drink water :)

    If you go for the big food  when breaking the fast such as spaghetti meatballs you'll upset your digestive system.

  2. hj, njce to meet you. ^^

  3. Spaghetti and meatballs.

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