
What is the best food to eat?

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What is the best food to eat?




  1. eat all the foods you like but in moderation especially those cholesterol ridden food.

    take fruits and vegetables in abundance, it has fibers that is good for health


  3. best food to eat... FILIPINO FOOD. duhhh c[=

  4. every food has pros and cons:

    high protein foods clog up kidneys if eaten on their own

    high sugar foods promote fat storage

    this exclude all red meats and carbs.

    dairy products also can give problems.

    chicken might be full of hormone, as turkey. tuna might not be tuna so these are excluded as well.

    fruit and vegetables contain secondary metabolism chemical compounds which can also in large quantities cause harm.

    there is however a fruit which proved highly beneficial and non toxic, it is billberry. if not the best, it's very high ranking.

    olive oil is very good for you as well.

  5. Latin food.

  6. Thai... healthy and tasty !!

  7. pasta...........fastest n easiest 2 make


  8. the one b-4 me

  9. Soul food!

  10. Sushi, it's delicious and good for you

  11. thai food

  12. Eating a varied diet. A little bit of everything.

    Not too much of anything - even greens

  13. pizza no doubt it's very good. but to be healthy just dont eat meats

  14. There is no miracle food. A healthy diet is one that consists of a large variety of foods so you get all of the nutrients you need.

  15. Authentic Cajun food. 2D

  16. the one that tastes best to you.

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