
What is the best food to mix fish oil with to aid in swallowing?

by Guest57407  |  earlier

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I have a VERY sensitive gag reflex, especially to slimy or oily products like jello, yogurt, pudding, etc. Now I have to take a fish oil supplement and while the taste doesn't bother me, I just can't swallow it. I have a bottle I need to use up and then I'll decide whether I should switch to capsules or if I can handle it this way.

In the meantime, I need to find something that i can mix the tsp of fish oil with so that I won't have the oily texture in my mouth. It isn't the taste that is the problem, but the fact that there is no "traction" to get the oil down my throat....any ideas? I tried a mouth full of pastry then a shot of oil and then swallow, and I just barely got it down.




  1. If you like toast with butter/margarine, try drizzling the toast, then spread on the butter, or peanut butter, jam, etc.  Or drizzle it on some veggies.

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