
What is the best football stance?

by  |  earlier

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i need to know what is the best football stance i am a center




  1. well ya gotta be in a low 3 point stance i used to be a center

  2. 3 point stance, ur foot that your good with.

    Say for instance im right,

    Ok put my right foot lined up with the back of my left foot.

    Lift my right foot up an keep on my toes,[Kinda]-

    Then kneel/bend over and keep your butt kinda low but not to low, and keep your head straight forward.

    U cud put 3 fingers in front of you or whatever and your hand holding your waist or on your lap.

  3. 3 point stance, wow anybody that doesn't even play football know's that the offensive linemen are ALWAYS in a 3 point stance.

    center really is you get really low and both hands on the ball.  

  4. LOW

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