
What is the best format for a resume?

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The best way of presenting a resume




  1. There is no perfect way to write a resume. But a few pointers would be of help.

    Remember that the main job of a resume is to setup a face to face interview.

    Features of a good resume


    i.Chronological resume: This format is used when the educational qualification and/or the work experience is more than three and there is a significant difference in the information given in each of the sub category. The preferred chronology is ‘Latest first’ (The latest degree or the immediate employer to be given first).

    ii.Skill resume: This format widely used in software and /or technical jobs like electronics, telecom. Here the skill set of the candidate should definitely be classified (rather classifiable) into technical and functional (Technical both front end and back end).

    b.Number of pages: A good resume must not be more than 3 pages. The number of pages also depends on the format/template chosen.

    c.Clarity of description

    d.Choice of font: The following are mere suggestions. The choice of font however is left to the discretion of the writer.

    i.Hard copy resume:

    1.Font type: Book man old style or book antiqua

    2.Font size: 11 – 13

    ii.Soft copy resume:  

    1.Font type: Book man old style, verdana

    2.Font size: 11 – 13

    (Reason for choice of font: Both the font types are recognized by any operating system and the alignment will not change)

    e.Language: Golden rule – Universally accepted code of English

  2. On one page with no unnecessary detail, with a pic of you on the top right.

  3. Something that stands out but not too long, 2 pages max.  Try different coloured paper.

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