
What is the best fuel source?

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out of all the sources, what is the best.

also, what could take over from fossil fuels do you think?




  1. To clarify some answers here:

    Hydrogen gas constitutes 0.000055% (by volume) of air. Hydrogen may be a clean fuel but whether the process to generate hydrogen gas is a seperate issue.

    Same thing about electricity - it depends on how electricity is generated - from power plant run by natural gas, coal, oil, nuclear, wind, etc. Some are known polluters.

  2. If we could harness the tides current and waves we wouldn't be in such a fix.  Tidal Power Facts:

    Unlike wind and solar energy, tidal power is seen as a reliably predictable renewable resource. Tides are caused by the orbital mechanics of the solar system, and are considered inexhaustible. They are trying it out...

  3. I think hat the best fuel source on the planet is Hydrogen Gas. It's THE cleanest source of energy and only emits water and oxygen as an emission, something that the earth needs more of these days. Also, it's one of the most abundant elements in the universe, so why not make use from it?

    The only downside to it is that it's extremely flammable but scientists have found a way around that too. Using the process of electrolysis, water can immediately be split into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas on demand. I honestly think that this right here is going to be the future of the auto industry rather then having to grow crops or produce batteries which isn't very good for the environment.

  4. at the moment, i'd say-

    'red diesel'

  5. Fossil fuel is the best as plants recycle the CO2 into oxygen and new fossil fuels. It is a complete recycle and plants have done it for millions of years,and will continue.

  6. gas made from good old oil.

  7. Hydrogen, it's everywhere, converts into pure water when burned and releases tons of energy.  Just need the infrastructure and manufacturing plant which will only be worth building if oil stays over priced (which it won't for longer that it takes to make conversion worthwhile currently).

  8. Solar and Wind.  Its Free!

    In the next 20 years, I bet 1/3 of our energy will be from one or both of those.

  9. SOLAR PANELS, WIND TURBINEDS and those wave things that all make FRE ELECTRICITY!!! get rid of the oil and the CO2 emissions, GET AN ELECTRIC /HYBIRD CAR!

    and tickets to disneyland, cos its great!

  10. But gasoline isn't sustainable...

    Electricity is the best power source PROVIDED it can be generated using sustainable, non-polluted means.

    Currently, the process of producing hydrogen fuel cells has an environmental impact at the factory.  

    Any internal combustion has an environmental impact; more so if the fuel is from fossil sources.

  11. I like to call it (GGPPM) Global Green Personal Power Machines an energy system that uses rechargeable batteries to stop and start, an a air powered, self-propelled, mobile power plant, to power the electric engine. Giving us clean unlimited energy production, be it for a car, plane, semi, suv, truck, or train! GGPPM will make power to run anything, anywhere, any day or night as long as you can keep it charged up by moving faster than 26 mile per hour, longer than you are stopped and using power. The hard idea is to get the manufacturers to make them! Not showing the world how to turn there old gas powered - into an electric powered.

  12. non combustion engines is one thing we need and wind solar water powered vehicles

  13. It depends on what you want to power. Like investing the best plan is diversification, use alternative sources where ever when ever you can. Electricity - solar, wind, hydroelectric, clean coal for steam turbines. Heating - passive solar, radiant solar, nutural gas and wood burning stoves. Transportation - natural gas, hydrogen, electric, or a combination of those.Those are just a few possibilities.

  14. The sun is the main source of energy on Earth. Stored energy from sunlight is what gives fossil fuels their energy, heat from the sun creates the wind that turns wind turbines, causes tidal action for the tidal generators some countries use, even created the radioactive material used in nuclear power plants and powers geothermal generators as well, by keeping the Earth's core hot and molten.

    All you need to do is capture that power, either with a photovoltaic cell or with a solar thermal plant. They're both efficient but solar thermal doesn't require exotic materials and the same material perfection that photovoltaic cells do.

    With more efficient and safer batteries you could run your car on sunlight or wind power, just by charging it at home. When you're driving you could stop to swap out your depleted batteries for fresh ones, sort of like you do today with propane tanks for outdoor grilles. It would take less time to do this than it does now to fill up your tank with gas and you have zero emissions if you get the electricity from solar, wind or another renewable source.

    Eventually we may drive fusion-powered cars but that's probably a century away. In the meantime, a good option is ethanol made from algae or switchgrass. Once we have standardized and better batteries, all-electric cars would be better, with the possible addition of a small ethanol-burning engine to charge the batteries on a long trip.

    Until we can use it for fusion power, hydrogen is not viable, it requires more energy to produce than you can possibly get back from the resultant gases.

  15. Cow farts, yeah you heard me, cow farts

  16. A combination of Solar, Wind, Hydrogen and biodiesel from Hemp, Urine and Faeces etc.  Hemp and similar drought resistant plants grown in Zimbabwe Sudan, Ethiopia and other African nations as well as Eurasia.  Using 2000 year old farming irrigation techniques, crop rotation and the correct plants deserts that were once wetlands can be healed.  Also using hemp means you can change between using it as food, paper, oil, textiles and other products depending on the markets needs.

  17. Thats like asking what the best flavor of ice cream is.   All depends on what you have available and how much of it.   A fusion or antimatter power plant would be best, but we don't have them.   Gasoline is what my vehicle runs off of now, so that would be the best fuel source for it.

  18. Sun Wind and Water

  19. Putting it politely your own gases. Methane, it does really work. They used methane during the war when petrol was unavailable.

    Try it but keep the windows shut.

  20. human waste

  21. The sun is the best fuel source; it is constant, reliable, pollution-free and (practically) unlimited. Of course, harnessing that energy is the tricky part!

    When considering the best way of doing that, you must consider the efficiency, including the energy required to manufacture the power plant, and the useful lifetime of the plant. Taking these into account, solar cells and wind energy are not so great as they sound, with current technology.

    My answer is that currently nuclear power is the best option, but hopefully in the future an effective way of harnessing the suns power will be found!

  22. As far as resources go I would say electric its renewable.

    Water-have shortages already, surplus of salt eventualy

    gas-well we know where thats going (unless we learn to use methaine gas from dumps)

    e85/food-higher food prices, shortages in food, poor mileage

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