
What is the best/funniest story you've heard on talk radio?

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I was in San Francisco a few years back. I heard a talk show caller claim that the US government had developed a chemical that would sterilize males from a certain minority group. He further claimed the chemical had NO effect on women of any group. He then proceeded to say that the Coca Cola company was putting the chemical in their soda with the goal of exterminating the target minority group.




  1. Well, I can not top that one ! The 'one-liner' that I remember was one of the co-hosts said ; " I did not know what happiness was until I got married . . . and then it was too late ! ".

    The best to you in the new year ! :0)

    P.S. I just remembered one where the caller was firmly convinced that the government had bio-engineered a weed so that they could eavesdrop on the conversations of common citizens ! ( It's a good thing that we have our fellow citizens who know the truth ! I usually refer them to the P section of the Yellow Pages and there they can find either a psychologist or psychiatrist that they may want to see !! )

  2. Talk is cheap.

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