
What is the best gem if you want to keep someone safe?

by Guest61859  |  earlier

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What gem is for keeping someone safe like an amulet. My friend is going to a rough time and she could use some protection




  1. Malachite and 2 black tourmalines.

    While malachite is best for healing emotional pain and the heart chakra, and....

    tourmaline is best for diminishing fears by reaching understanding.......

    these two stones work amazingly wonderful together, going so far as to bring actual physical protetion also.  

    I have given this combination to my teenagers and their friends to keep in their cars when they began driving.  Accidents still happened (hey, they ARE teens, right?) but when each one walked away from accidents that they should have ended up in the hospital, they all have come to me and asked for more!!!  (the stones either break or just disappear when they actually worked for protection).  Since your friend is going through a rough time, you didn't say if it was emotionally but this combination will work the best, too, for the specific reasons stated above.  Good luck!  

    (Do not add salt to the amulet as it might soften and pit the stones.  You also cannot go wrong with clear quartz.)

  2. Snowflake Obsidian.

  3. You need a +9 Amulet of protection.

    Only obtainable if you slay the Balrog and return his hoof to the Wizard's lair.

    (This really isn't the best board for this question -- it belongs under Video & Online Games.  Stones are NOT medicine, not even "alternative" medicine.)

  4. Tigers Eye is a good protection stone.

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