
What is the best gender in biological superiority?give proof in your answer?

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What is the best gender in biological superiority?give proof in your answer?




  1. Dang. You are brave asking this question. I give you a star, brave Knight

  2. In humans it is female.  We males feel honoured just to receive a smile from them.  We think they are kind if they let us buy them a drink and even more so if we can pay for dinner.  We open doors for them, stand until they sit.  Marry them and make them co-owners of everything we own.  Spend months of our lives sat outside changing rooms waiting to tell them how wonderful they look in new clothes they don't need then we pay for them.  We carry everything for them.  We buy them flowers, chocolate and jewelry and it only gets appreciated if it costs more than we can afford.  When they leave us we roll over while a judge lets them have half of what we worked and saved for and sometimes even half of what we haven't even got yet.

    And after all of that, they live 10 years or more longer than we do.

  3. At best this question is moot, and is un answerable.

    The first issue one would have to deal with would be the evolutionary process of the human organism. If that process is flawed then one gender might be "superior" to the other.

    However taken in the context of the evolutionary process the two genders are designed to coexist. Neither being superior to the other.

  4. Well, in terms of longevity Women in general. Women have a longer life span. Common knowledge, google it. In terms of social status Men are have been superior. Proof...History..

  5. well thats easy for  me  i am irish  and i was only 8 inch long and that was in 1949

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