
What is the best glue to use in cardboard furniture?

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I'm looking to make my own stuff soon, but I'm at a loss in determining what type of glue wold be best for this job.. I know that tape can be used as well, but I'd rather stick with glue as far as I can. Answers from experienced folk would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!




  1. Feviquick ! - Best and Simple...

  2. My suggestion is for you to do some trial tests of various glues so that you are happy with the results. Possibly borrow some from friends so no real cost involved for small test bits of cardboard. My ultimate glue for cardboard is Tacky Glue as it is thicker and holds well.  A more toxic old fashioned glue is rubber cement in a glass bottle with a brush, the one where you brush it on both sides, like set a while, then put the two pieces together. A very strong glue, but more fuss with waiting. Have fun building!

  3. Carpenters Glue ?

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