
What is the best graphics card that will fit this slot??

by  |  earlier

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i have that slot and i was wondering which is the best graphics card that will fit that slot??????? i know its PCI but i have seen many different PCI slots




  1. That's a PCI slot. The best video card you can get for PCI is the GeForce 6200. And that isn't even that good.

  2. small, white color with 1 cut is pci slot and not a agp or graphics slot. if u want to put agp or graphics card means, check pci agp card. i am not sure it is available in the market. better use the onboard display or go for upgrading the cpu.

  3. looks like pci to me

    if its for playing games, its time for a new motherboard.

    pci is half the speed of a pci-e 1x

    pci-e 16x has been the standard for graphics cards for the last 4 years.

    Even if you put the best pci card in there you can find, you wont get much performance out of it because of the speed of the bus interface. its just not worth doing, unless you have a very specific requirement that somehow makes it cost-effective.  

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