
What is the best gun?

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9mm or 45




  1. it all depends wut you want it for. the 45 is stronger but slower and has less shots.the 9 is weaker but faster and will get off more shots in an certain amount of time

  2. Since you were not specific as to why, I assume you are only looking for opinions so here is mine.

    I prefer the .45 because of the sheer stopping power.

    The 9mm is a good range gun for practice.

  3. i'm leaning towards the 9mm

  4. I would go for the 9mm if your target shooying or plinking, but if you want knock down power the 45.

    Good Shooting...

  5. deffinatly the .45 it has way more stopping power than the little 9mm.

  6. your mum?

    9mm is the most common, go for a barrett lite 50 is somewhat better

  7. First of Eq2girl why are you in the hunting section if you hate guns? 9mm has a higher magazine capacity and cheaper ammunition.The .45acp has more stopping power but less magazine capacity and the ammunition is more expensive.

    But to get a little of both get a .40S&W the have the capacity of the 9mm but only a little less stopping power then the .45acp and is a little more expensive then the 9mm

  8. water, perfectly safe

  9. 9mm packs a punch but not too much stopping power. A .45 has much more stopping power and would be more effective.

  10. I prefer my 9mm only because I am more comfortable using it. It fits in my hand better and has less recoil. However, if I was choosing one based on stopping power I would go with my .45. If I really wanted stopping power I would grab my 10mm.

  11. 9mm...those things are very powerful..for such a small piece..i believe my former stepdad tried to kill my mom with one of those things..great for murder..and other things such as those.

  12. want an AR-15....look into it ....they are seriously bad *** is the proto type of the M16....but way fact JFK was killed by an AR-15....fired by his OWN secret service guy....Hickey was his name....ThaT is who shot JFK.

  13. It depends on what you want it for. They're pretty different guns.

    If you just want to go for target practice and plinking, the 9mm is great. Easier to shoot, cheaper ammo, lighter, etc.

    The 45 is a great gun for stopping power. My Dad carried one when he was a cop because even if the other guy is wearing body armor, it's powerful enough to mnock him down and stun him long enough to get control of the situation.

  14. 45

  15. Neither of those, IMO.

      I have owned several 9mms and several 45s. While I like the 45 as much as the next person, my fave shooter is a 40S&W. It has the best power w/ controllability that I've experienced.

    You should also know that a lot of law enforcement agencies have adopted the 40S&W over the 9mm. That's as good a recommendation as I need.

  16. well 9mm is normal but .45mm cal is made for the kill the more it hurt the more good. well do u want one? hurting then buy a rifile.

  17. What is the best gun, the 9mm or the .45???  The one that is already in your hand when you most need it.

    Seriously, the .45 acp is second best man-stopper (the .357 Magnum being the first).  The 9mm is no slouch when you use the proper defensive ammo: 115 to 127 grain jacketed hollow-points.  The .45 acp is too massive for some hands and so in that case the 9mm is the better choice.


  18. it depends a 9mm will have less recoil

    how old is the person its for because if he/she is a beginner a 45 may seem very intimidating

  19. Best for what? is the real question. 9mm tends to go straight through. .45 will knock you off your feet. Then again, you should shoot to wound, not to kill, so I would go 9mm.

  20. The one with a bullet.

  21. 9mm is fine for home defense and personal carry... Its got plenty of stopping power no matter what anybody tells you.....  The .45 is to powerful, to loud and the ammo is too expensive....  Sure -- if you want a big bang at the gun club then why not -- but in my opinion if your not knocking down doors in Baghdad or rousting crackheads in a south Philly housing project then its a waste of money to get a .45.......

    9MM ammunition is cheap -- Its way less expensive to shoot than .45 ammo... Why clean your wallet out having a little fun at the gun range??

    9MM is J&G Sales.....

    Of course keep hollow points in the gun when carrying or for home defense. This FMJ stuff is better for target practice.....

    Springfield Armory, Ruger, Glock all make nice firearms... Dont get to hung up on a name -- Go to the gun shop and see how a gun "feels" and how "pointable" it feels to you. Nobody on earth can tell you how a gun "feels" or should feel in your hands......... Stick with a reputable brand.....

  22. i dont think u can go wrong with ethier but if u get a 9mm i suggest a browning hi power if u get a .45 i suggest a 1911

  23. it really depends on what you are doing with the gun and how old the shooter is going to be. i would say that i would want the .45 because it has more stoping power then the 9mm, but with a .45 you have less rounds in your clip and it has more recoil so it really depends on your preferance.
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