
What is the best hamster for a first time owner?

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I might get one but not sure which one to get.




  1. All hamsters are equally cute but first time hamster owners prefer to go in for a syrian hamster (also called teddy bear, fancy bear or black bear in pet shops) since it is much more easier to tame and handle. Dwarfs take a longer time to tame. Also if dwarfs are not handled regularly, they can get untame again but syrians once tamed, remain tame for life. If there are small children at home who might handle the hamster, better to go for syrian since dwarfs are too small in size to be properly handled by children. Remember though, syrian hamsters are solitary and should be kept only one to a cage.

  2. A Syrian (also known as Teddy Bear, Panda Bear etc.). Alot easier to handle, tame and clean.

  3. Well I had a teddy Bear hamster and she was the sweetest little thing in the world. She would come out whenever I went and tapped on the top of her house. But my sister had 2 dwarf hamsters and they were not the nicest things in the world.

    The only promblem with my hampster was that she was an escape artist

  4. I think a syrian hamster is the best because it's bigger, and it's a lot slower then other hamsters.  It also bites less then others.  My friend has a dwarf hamster and it's really nice, and it doesn't bite at all=)  So you should either get a syrian or a dwarf hamster!

  5. An teddy bear hamster their are extremely cute and are easy to handle

  6. three words. roborovski dwarf hamster.

  7. Hamster xpert is again correct in her assesment (no surprise there).

    Syrians (teddy bears, etc...) make the ideal first (and last for that matter!) hamsters. They actually have distinct personalities and have the capacity for love and sweetness.

    They're relatively easy to tame (even train a little), within 2 weeks actually if you do it correctly and are dilligent about it.

    Just please dont forget Syrians are solitary creatures (as opposed to the dwarfs/russians). So only bring home one! (even though they're so cute).

    Also... when at the pet store (I'll assume your going to a pet store) be a bit selective. Make sure the coat/hair is in good shape.. no patches, dander, discoloration, etc... make sure the nose is "normal" (not too dry or runny), and the eyes are bright and gunk free.

    Pet stores tend to offend most hamster afficiandos, but a reputable one (read: clean and looked after) arent bad at all. the hamsters there tend to be broken in somewhat by the store employees, which makes your life easier later on.

    Best of luck to you... enjoy your new friend :)

  8. a dwarf definitely

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