
What is the best home business?

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Which doesn't cost a lot to start up and has no overhead.




  1. Well actually I am involved in a business that costs absolutely nothing to start. You actually get to try it for 7 days, and if you decide to keep it, it is only $10 a month, plus you get to design your own website to use. It is awsome check out my blog and see for yourself Good Luck!!!

  2. Most home based businesses do not have additional overhead since they are run out of your home.

    Finding the best one is really a matter of opinion based on who's talking.

    I'm including a link in the resource section (which is the only place we are really allowed to post links based on the Terms of Service here on answers)

    It's a generic report and will give you some ideas on what to look for, questions to ask, how to evaluate different opportunities, etc...

    ~good luck, be safe, be smart - AND ASK QUESTIONS before you join.

  3. There are very few work at home businesses that are not scams.  Be very careful.  I am a stay at home mom and it took me a real long time to find a good work at home business.

  4. Yeah this is definitely the type of question that is going to have everyone screaming "mine is mine is!" :)  Really though, there are a lot of great home businesses out there. You just have to figure out what you will enjoy doing and what you can see yourself being able to do. Then just start doing your research. Don't believe people who say "everything is a scam' this is simply not true. Legitimate businesses are out there you just have to put in the effort and research to find the right thing for you! Email me anytime. I would be happy to help. I have experience with this and have done research on a lot of different businesses and jobs.

  5. This One Is Perfect. Low Costs, Great Team, Unlimited Support and Training, All From Home, No Overhead.

  6. The best home base business is one you can feel good about.

    There are so many out there on the net that hype their home business as the best to get involved with and make money with.

    It's up to you to do your research and not believe every Tom, d**k and Harry just cause they say so!

    For me? The best one's I've found for me personally are the home businesses that are simple to do! If they are not simple for the average Joe to do...then you're sure not to make any money.

    That's why I only get involved with home business that provide so much value in and of themselves that even if I didn't make the kind of money I would have liked to make...I still made out like a bandit!

    In other words, if you yourself are not using the service or product yourself...then you really have no business promoting it to others. You have to believe in it order to feel good about promoting it to others.

    And most of all, you have to believe it won't rip people off!

    I only promote home base businesses that first save you a lot of money, while making you money at the same time.

    That way you're always getting more bang for your buck and your investment in the business never exceeds the savings your are receiving from the product or service you yourself are using.

    This is the only way to ensure people do not feel they are getting ripped off! And above all! You can feel good about it!

    I also found the best home businesses at least for me, had to include an all-in-one marketing system for the product or service being promoted. I found these type of systems cut the learning curve by leaps and bounds when one is first starting out on an online home business for themselves. And of course a support system second to none!

    So to answer your question and hopefully giving you a little advice about being a little wary of the home based businesses out there on the net.

    So why not check out the home base business I feel, is the best one out there for me, personally.

    It's called "Freebie Force" and is a site that is fast becoming the best all-in-one freebie site on the net! And the low start-up cost is only ten dollars a month. That includes the all-in-one marketing system (website for you to promote, hosting. lead capture list and support second to none).

    Easy business to do. Do you know anyone who doesn't like to get free quality stuff from the internet? Of course not.

    Plus you get paid for referring others to receive all the free stuff you yourself are receiving.

    So check it out and see if this can become the best home base business for you to do.  I know it is for me!


  7. I am with DiamondCreek Candles and we offer a fantastic opportunity where you can join DCC FREE of charge and get your very own mini replicated candle website personalized with your name, city & state so people know they are on the right site.

    Our offer is not just an affiliate offer we offer 6 levels of commissions on retail sales and two levels of commissions on downline purchases which total 8 commission levels PLUS you can purchase products for 40% which means you can turn around and re-sell the products for retail or near retail and profit the 40% on every single product!

    Basically if you like candles and or products that make your home smell good and inviting you need to stop by and just take a peek around.

    Again you can sign up totally FREE and have access to your very own back office in just a few minutes. The back office is chuck full of advertising banners, text links, adds, virial PFD'S and articles, all of which you just simply post in an add and people click on your website banners, it's really that simple.

    We also offer our website which has over 15,000 post by consultants like you who have joined our company and ask the questions you asked "How do I make money on line" our group offers all the advice you need to get started right away and right now!

    We pay commissions every two weeks by company check and again all you have to do is ask your team leader if they have ever been paid and your team leader will say YES because all of our team leaders make money.

    To become a team leaders all you have to do is build a downline and then you too are now a team leader with people under you and you to will make 6 levels of commissions on all sales. Its simple come check us out and hey what do you really have to loose? by joining your going to get your very own candle website mini page! An entire back office! And a fantastic opportunity to make money doing something you love.

    PS. visit our website

    and at least take a look at our guest book because all our reps are leaving fantastic feedback:

    We even have a "Sucsess Stories" page for reps who are achieving more than they ever imagined they could:

    Again if anything just stop by and take a look at what we offer.

  8. I agree with Jennifer F.  It's a matter of preference and it usually involves what they do themselves.  In my opinion, I think the best home based business would be in the telecommunciations industry.  Doesn't cost an arm and a leg to start up and has no overhead expenses.  That's because pretty much what's in your home is what you need for your business.  I don't purchase products and have them on hand.  The company has a wherehouse and when an order comes in they drop ship it for me.  If a service needs installation, the company sends an electrician out and installs it for me.  I think the best company to collaborate with is a 15 year old world wide company that Donald Trump has endorsed, uses the products and is highly involved in the company.  They have been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune etc.  Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company.  They market in services that people use every day and pay for anyway.  Such as local and long distance telephone services, Internet services, Satellite TV, VIOP, digital and video phone services as well as all major cellular phone providers such as AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, Alltel, Nextel, Sprint etc.  You basically save people money on services that they are already using and paying for, and offer services that people don't have.  AFter doing this, you make a percentage of everyone's billings.  that's one way you make a living in this industry.

  9. I am a titanium powerseller on Ebay to give you a little background so you know I am legit and know what I am talking about. There is a new business opportunity that just started a couple of months ago but has been in the works for over 3 years. It works with Ebay so you know it is legit. Ebay is a multi Billion dollar business and you now have the opportunity to be apart of that. Doesn't cost much like a lot of home businesses only $29 per month. You earn up to $35 per new customer and up to 75% in commissions from Ebay just by giving out Free software. When they use the software your Ebay affiliate ID is embedded in the software and you get the commission - 100% of it. Plus 5 more ways to make money.

    I see this as being one of the next big home businesses since it is one of the first that uses Ebay. Most home businesses only last a couple of years but with the backing of Ebay I don't see how anyone wouldn't join this opportunity. I am already doing well making more money than the $29 so already in profit. I am a titanium powerseller so I let everyone know about the new free software and then I get paid anytime they buy something from Ebay even if it isn't from me. Here is the free software so you can check it out:

    Amazon and Overstock have now heard about the MyShoppingGenie and are working on an affiliate program just so they can be apart of this too. Now can you start too see the power, technology, income potential with MyShoppingGenie - Ebay, Amazon, and Overstock does?

  10. First you have to determine what it is that you like to do. Once you do that, then research it to see if there are any home businesses that suit your likings.

    Now here's the biggy, do you want a job or a business?

    If you're looking for a job then there should be NO cost for you to start work. If you're looking to start a business, then expect to fork out some money. I have 2 businesses, one of which is an internet business. My internet business cost me almost $400.00 to start but I love it. My other business, which is a boat detailing business cost alot more than that to get started.

    But you must realize that any business is going to cost money to start, cost money to keep it up and running and it going to require you to do some work.

    Alot of people think that they can just hop on their computer and all of a sudden start seeing $5,000.00 dollar checks in their mailbox the next day. I seriously doubt that's gonna happen!

    Anyway, find something you enjoy, expect some costs (if it's your own business), and work at it. At first you're gonna think that's it's never gonna take off but just keep at it and your hard work will pay off.

    All of these businesses mentioned on here probably is good for the person that posted it but is it good for you? So before you jump into anything, research it. Then research it again.

    I myself, I wanted something that I could have fun at and still make money. I found it and you can to.

    Oh, by the way, I just started my internet business a few weeks ago. It's a slow process but I've been ripped off before by alot of scams. But this one, I love it. If you would like to know more just drop an e-mail ( You never know till you check it out.

    I know I didn't mention any names but I'm not here to sell you anything. Just be careful, there is a lot of people that will rip you off and they won't care about what kind of financial crisis they put you in.

  11. A home based travel business is something to seriously consider.


    The profile page has more information

  12. SFI Marketing which for the past 3 years is the #1 ranked Home Based Business in the world. The best news it is FREE to join their Affiliate program so you can have your hands on all of their training material and resources before you decide to start a Co-op with them.

    Please take a look at the above link and you will find some very interesting information. Then Join SFI and after reading some FAQ's please feel free to ask my further questions.

  13. I dont know I'm asking the question

  14. Avon


  15. This one is not best. But they give you GUARANTEE of income.

  16. There are so many home based businesses to choose from!

    Here are basic guidelines to follow:

    1. Decide how much investment your willing to put into your business. Let's be honest here with any real business comes operating and advertising expenses. Remember when once you make up your mind to do something and give 110% commitment to your business you will find the money. Money is never the answer to not do something you feel passionate about.

    2. Determine what you want out of a home based business. Are you looking to supplement your income while continuing to work a job or do you want to retire from your job now and not later. In other words how much money do you want to make? There are businesses out there that say no upfront investment or have a product that comes with a low investment. In my experience it takes a significant amount of time to make any money here because of the low investment. On the flip side there are legitimate home based businesses that offer a much greater return on your investment in a lot shorter time. So do you want to retire from your JOB now or much later? Let's not forget franchise businesses that come with a steep investment, franchise fees, overhead expenses, time commitment, and long term return on investment?

    3. How much time commitment are you willing to put into your business? Some home based businesses will require a tremendous amount of your time while others offer you time freedom as well as financial freedom.

    I have been in the home based arena for over a year now and before I took the plunge I looked into just about everything out there. There are good ones and there are bad ones. The key is to know what you are looking for and take it from there. What is good for me might not be a wise choice for the guy down the street. Feel free to visit me at my website and learn more about my home based business:


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