
What is the best home school curriculum for gifted 5th grader?

by Guest45078  |  earlier

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What is the best home school curriculum for gifted 5th grader?




  1. I have a profoundly gifted son who's been using K12 for over five years (5-10 y.o.).  We've always used K12 due to the depth and breadth, and the ability to mix & match grade levels and work at varying speeds in courses.

    It works *very* well.  The middle school math, however, wasn't a good fit for my son (1st-5th was great!) so now he uses Teaching Textbooks for Algebra I and will start their Geometry soon.  We've also used all of the K-8 K12 science courses, so we're switching to Apologia for fall.

    Let me know if you want more input on any of these!  Make sure to check out K12's scope & sequences:

  2. My kids are all what people call "gifted".  We use Sonlight and we absolutely love it.  Here's their link:

    It's really good, especially if your family loves literature.  It's fairly expensive, but worth it.  It comes complete.  Even the schedules are done for you.  There are no textbooks.  Everything is done with a "real book" approach.  We've tried other programs, but we've liked this the best by far.

  3. Look for the book "100 Top Picks For Homeschool Curriculum" by Cathy Duffy - if you can get it at the library, it's an awesome reference book.  

    Everyone will have their own personal favorites for the best curriculum I'm sure, so I will put my 2 cents in also...

    We use Bob Jones HomeSat Distance Learning.  It is a program that is on DVDs (you either rent the DVDs, rent the classes on hard drive, or subscribe to the BJU satellite service which lets you record any and all classes BJU Press has for every grade and also some bible studies and dramas put on by the college.)  It's very complete and you can move at their pace - move ahead if things seem too easy, or stay on one area longer if they are having a hard time getting it.  Also, the satellite option would allow you to record some higher grade level classes since your child is gifted - they might be ready for a higher grade level for one subject, but a lower grade level for another subject.  Perfect solution for cases like that.

  4. Depends on how your fifth grader likes to learn. Here is a website that might help you choose.

  5. There is a fantastic curriculum called "Connect the Thoughts".  Their Upper School Curriculum is designed for children 11 and up to Adult.  Your gifted student would probably thrive with it.

    They have curricula for History, Science, Creative Writing, Art, Music, Animation, and Unit Studies on global topics like, world poverty, endangered species, etc.

    For more information, go to the CTT website:

    There is a Yahoo group that you can join also.  Info is available on the Connect the Thoughts website.  You can buy the curriculum from a site called:

    It is available in the form of E-books that can be downloaded immediately, with no shipping charges.

    PS.  I'm not affiliated with the company.  I am a home schooling parent who is very happy with the program.

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