
What is the best internet business i can venture into that will benefit me in Africa.?

by Guest64446  |  earlier

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Most of these businesses seem to reject africans.




  1. I have a good idea about starting a new venture by online business. And I have a site:

    contact me, I will give more details : MSN:

  2. Hey,

    Just wanted you to check out a website that helped me alot. You can use their services (which promotes wealth building, credit building, and debt management, identity theft protection, and other services) and/or become a rep and earn money by just referring people. I am a 20 year old single mom about to be on maternity leave and I needed extra income. I FINALLY listened to my mom and checked it out. I referred 3 single moms that I knew and we all recieve residual bonus checks every month. Their is NO SELLING unrealistic products or anything hard. You just show people, friends, family the website and they sign up. Theres a minimal cost to be a member and/or rep and you also recieve the perks of the services. My credit score went up 89 points (and going) AND i make anywhere between 400-750 a month. I just refer people like you looking to make extra income or in a bad financial situation. I look forward to buying my first house for me and my little one next year. She deserves it. become a member to become a rep and make money like me

    My rep ID#135065

  3. If you are interested to work online we can provide you some serious work.

    You need to have sufficient Knowledge about the internet.

    if you are interested to know more kindly mail to

  4. one really good way to make money from home is to sell things on ebay.   not neccesarilly your stuff though.  i give you props for wanting to work at such an early age.     when i was 16 i began selling things on ebay.   here's how i did it.    i got on ebay and randomly began searching for common items that one might find at a garage sale.      keep an eye on some of them until you find an item or group of items that consistently sell for a certain price.  it is actually hard to find items that sell for lots but check this out.   if you can find 25 different items that consistently sell for 25 dollars each and you are able to buy them at garage sales for about 5-10 bucks then you will make 15 - 20 bucks per item everytime you sell.   you can also charge 2-3 bucks more than it costs you to have it shipped.    this will require either your parents or a friend with a license to drive you to garage sales and to the post office but it will be worth it.  just remember whatever items you buy, make sure they are actually being bid on consistently .  there are tons of items that never sell and you dont want to get a bunch of money tied up in them and not be able to sell them.  all you need to get started is a computer, internet, a digital camera , an ebay account (they are free), and like 20 - 50 bucks for a bankroll to buy your items.   plus going to garage sales is a fun way to pick up cool stuff for yourself too.   if you are underage then ask your parents if they can set you up an ebay account and a paypal account.   just make sure that you are only selling stuff, and not buying it.   your parents will be hesitant to do this for you if they think there is a chance you will be buying stuff on an account they have secured for you.   well i hope it helps.   you might not get rich from this, but 10 items a week at 10 bucks profit a pop  is 100 dollars profit a week . not bad for just sitting at home huh?

  5. try google adsense or affiliate marketing. for more details visit

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