
What is the best johnny walker blend and why

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can someone please help if they know




  1. I prefer black label myself. That's what I order in the bar when I am out drinking. I believe the blue label is even better, but never tasted it myself.

    Red label is too harsh compared to the black, I could never go back to drinking it.

  2. For the money, Black Label is the best.  It has enough of the peat smoke flavor that is desirable in a Scotch, and it is smooth.  Blue Label is the most expensive Johnny Walker label.

  3. Im not a fan...but I'll just tell you what my Dad alwys told me...

    Johnny Walker Black and Seven...

    I've never had it, because it just doesn't sound too impressive, but my dad repeated this drink to me many times...apparently it was his secret weapon for Business Related Matters.

  4. Blue Label is a very expensive whisky; unless you have a strong nose and taste of what good scotch whisky should taste like, you probably won't be fully able to appreciate what $200/bottle scotch whisky tastes like.

    Gold Label is a good alternative that you can drink 'neat'.  Less than half the price of Blue Label.

    Black Label- their best-known label; good on the rocks, not so much 'neat'.

    Red Label- best used in mixed cocktails

  5. Blue is the best, both in Johnnie Walker's opinion and mine. However, at two hundred a bottle, I don't think its worth it.

    In terms of quality, the list goes:

    Red: Mixing stuff, not very good at all.

    Black: Good

    Green and Swing: I've not had either, supposed to be better than Black

    Gold: Very good, slightly pricey ($70-$80)

    Blue: Excellent

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