
What is the best kind of .22LR round for Coyote?

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We have way to much coyotes and our Indian Band has given permission to shoot some. (we would use the skin for drums and such, so we arent just killing them needlessly.) So I was wondering what is the most effective .22LR round for coyote. Thanks.




  1. if you have to use a .22lr then go with a mag if you can go with a centerfire then go with a .204 .223 .22-250 or a .243

  2. Hollow points.  Try for head shots only.


  3. I am a long time Alaskan hunter and trapper.

    22lr is not good medicine for a coyote - I have seen smaller fox hit square with a 22lr and run for almost a mile before dropping.  So, before you decide to shoot - be sure it is an area you can track it in.  If you must use a 22lr - CCI Stingers are the best.  If the shot is really close - aim for the heart - but if you mis and enter just the lungs you could be in for a mile hike.  If the coyote is more than 50 feet away - best to take a shoulder shot and anchor the animal - then dispatch it when you run up to it.  

    If you plan to make a habbit of shooting coyote - investing in a 17HMR or 22 Hornet would be the smart thing.  Either caliber will assure you a one shot kill, both will drop it in it's tracks - and will increase your range 5x what a 22lr will do.  With the right scope you can easily reach out to 300 yards with a 17HMR or 22 Hornet.

    What you do not want to do is move up to a 22-250, 223, or similar large case 22 centerfire rifle cartridge - they are perfect calibers for animal control but will TOTALLY tear up the hide.  You will not get any large usable pieces.

    If are stuck with only using a 22lr - go for the CCI Stingers - and invest $49 for a BSA 'Sweet 22' rifle scope.  This scope has a built in BDC - Bullet drop compensator - once you sight in the scope at a known distance and lock in the elevation drum - you can instantly twist the drum from 20 feet to 300 feet and shoot dead on to the target.  No more guess work on how much to hold the cross hairs over the target - this will allow you to spend more time concentrating on bullet placement.

    Hope this helps    

  4. Since coyotes are larger varmints, the best .22 LR round for use on coyotes is probably the hyper-velocity CCI Stinger or CCI Velocitor. (They have the highest kinetic energy of any .22 LR round I know of.) Even then you're going to be limited to shots under 100 yards and bullet placement is going to be really important.

    If you have it, a .22 center-fire would be a better choice. If not be careful of your shot placement, and use the hottest hypervelocity loads you can find.

  5. cci velocitor hollow point long rifle at 1435 feet per second.

    I like the guys above would think bigger is better so just get out the deer rifle and "getter done"  but if a 22 LR is all you have spend the extra $ to have the best ammo.

  6. .223....

  7. There is no good .22LR round for coyotes.  Like the first two posters here indicated--go to a centerfire .22 like the 22-250 or .223 and you will be better off!

  8. Velocitors, Stingers, Yellowjackets, etc.

    A lot of rifles won't shoot these rounds very well for small game but on coyote sized animals it is alright. Do sight in the rifle as every time I try the hyper rounds it's about 6" high at 50 yards.

    A lot of people who use 22's (long rifle) don't care about finding the animal. They're just looking to kill the varmint and it doesn't matter if it falls in it's tracks or if it dies days later.

    So if the tribe is going to frown upon wounded animals, you might find something a little more appropriate.

    I'd say aim for the neck bone or the ribs

  9. A 22LR for coyotes? Forget about it, that size of caliber for that kind animal isn't going to do the job of taking it down clean and clear. You'll just injure the coyote... Unless you can sneak up on one close enough to take it down. Which I seriously doubt you'll have such luck doing so. Because coyotes simply are too wary of people getting close to them.

    Your best bet is to go with a 22WMR or a 17HMR, which have no trouble taking a coyote down at 150 yards with a well placed shot. Move up into the centerfire calibers for greater range shots. Such as 223 and larger calibers. My personal preference would be a 22-250, as I have that caliber on the Savage Model 12FLV and have used a Winchester Model 70 in that caliber. The 22-250 has great knock down power with plenty of zip behind the bullet.

    Other calibers I would suggest are the Ruger 204, 220 Swift, 270 and 308. What ever caliber you pick, make sure you have a decent scope mounted on the rifle. You want good clarity and eye relief, when hunting these varmints.

    I hope after reading these answers...You reconsider using a 22LR to hunt coyotes. If anything...Go with a 22WMR or 17HMR.

  10. I concur; a .22LR is for squirrels, rabbits and long range pheasant/upland birds on the ground.   Get a .223 and you'll soon reduce your coyote population.

  11. i would have to say the kind that are marked as hyper volicity, then shoot them as a close a range as possable. but as many other will likely say a 22 LR round is somewhat inhumane to use against somethinbg as large as coyote. you would have to be extremly acurate at close range and get a shot into it's heart to get the animal to die quikly. you need at least a 22 magnum or 17 hrm to kill the animal humanely. .223, 22-250, or 22 hornet would all be even better

  12. Using a 22 L.R. on coyote is cruel and inhumane. Very bad choice of caliber.* Your best calibers for that purpose are the 22 Magnum, 22 Hornet, 218 Bee, 222, 22-250, or 243.*  Pick one.*

  13. Shooting coyote with a .22LR (104-141 ft-lbs muzzle energy) is ridiculous. Even a .22WMR (300-324 ft-lbs muzzle energy) or .17HMR (245-250 ft-lbs muzzle energy) is ridiculous.

    Someone mentioned .22-250 (1585-1751 ft-lbs muzzle energy), that's 5x the power of a .22 magnum. 15x the power of a .22LR.

    .22 Hornet? (710-859 ft-lbs muzzle energy) is possibly enough. You know in most states it is illegal to hunt deer with a .22 Hornet?

    As an Indian, how bad would it be to use the skin of an animal killed inhumanely for your drums? I wouldn't want bad coyote spirits giving me trouble!

  14. You are hunting coyote with a 22 LR!?!

    Get them as close as possible, and use CCI's Stinger or Quick Shok.

    And hit them well, or they will run...and run and run and run and you may never retrieve the animal.

    I do not know of anyone, I work the ammo counter at a large sporting goods store in Mich, that hunts coyote with a 22LR, there is just not very much energy in the bullet.

    Most people use a .204, .223, .22-250 or other comparable centerfire round.

  15. .22-250  

  16. I've shot probably a dozen coyotes with .22lr from a target pistol and probably half of them were never recovered.  I would recommend a "stronger" round.  .223, 22 hornet, 22-250 or .243.  But if you don't have one of those and you want to keep the pelts I suggest using a shotgun loaded with the largest shot size that is legal in your area with a full choke.

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