
What is the best kind of Martial Art for self-defense?

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What is the best kind of Martial Art for self-defense?




  1. the kind that you believe in and are good at. :)

  2. One of the questions asked ad nauseam is, "What is the best art?" or sometimes its modified form, "I wanna kick butt and don't want fancy-schmancy stuff, what art should I choose?" Well, the answer is, "We don't know." There's much debate over what exactly is the "best art" or what is an "effective art." It comes down to a lot of questions such as, "Best for what?" and "Best for you or best for me?" In the end, it's a question you're going to have to answer for yourself through personal exploration and hard work. Since you're looking for a Martial Art to start, you should look for the ones that are available to you. Simply put; it doesn't matter if it's the ultimate kick-butt art, if you can't find a school near enough to take classes at. With that thought in mind, you should look to see what schools are available in your area and make your selection from those. If you are looking for a specific art, you are still restricted to what's in your area, so go ahead and look anyway.

    Some choices are:  Jujutsu, Hapkido, some Gongfus, Karate, Ken(m)po, Baguazhang, Tang Soo Do, Muay Thai, Tae-Kwon-Do, Ninjutsu, Kali/Escrima/Arnis, Silat, or Xingyiquan.

    Remember:  the teacher and the school have as much to do with what you will learn as the style. Check out the styles in your area. Go see some classes of the different styles and see what interests you and what you think you would stick with.

  3. krav maga

  4. Any art that doesn't require you to have to be bigger, stronger, or faster than your opponent to win.

  5. Taekwon-do, it focuses on how you can get the most power out of your moves. It is also a semi-contact sport so it is easy to learn the movements properly without hurting anybody in the lessons. The wave in taekwon-do adds more power to your movements so you will be able to protect yourself thoroughly. You don't have to be super strong or big to get power and by doing taekwon-do you can achieve this. I hope this helps.

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