
What is the best kind of car for commuting in LA?

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What is the best kind of car for commuting in LA?




  1. A pimpin awesome car

  2. if you like it economical use Ford focus, if not Grand Cherokee 2008

  3. Depends on the distance of the commute and the route you want to take.

    If you happen to be near the subway/light rail network at both ends of the trip, walking, rollerblading, or a folding bicycle just might be your best bet to beat the traffic!

    But, more realistically, you're talking about stop-and-go traffic.  If you are going to be on surface streets, electric-gas hybrids (Prius) are great because they can spend most of their time in electric mode while you're sitting on the "parking lot" (Wilshire Blvd.!).

    If you're going to be on the freeway, then a small high-mpg car (hybrid or not) will be just fine.

    If you happen to be in a really close proximity to work, an electric NEV ('golf cart') might be a possibility, provided that you can get to work on streets with 35 MPH speed limit or less.  These vehicles are fairly cheap, and get the equivalent of 200 mpg.

    Finally, if you can stand the sweat and work, a bicycle is good, too.  You can navigate around traffic (and ride against one-ways and through parking lots) in ways you can't with a car or even a motorcycle/moped.

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