
What is the best kind of minnow to use for bait?

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i want to put minnows in a small freshwater pond im building and take them on my saltwater fishing trips. what kind of minnows would survive in both freshwater and saltwater and if theres more then one which one is the best to use for bait




  1. Rainbow smelt.  These are a salt water fish that swim up rivers to spawn in fresh water.  There is also a freshwater version that live in lakes.  Its the same species but a landlocked version.

  2. depending on where your fishing at, check the tackle shops near where you plan to fish and bring a good minnow bucket. if they have them they're cheap. some shops sell em by the cup full not by the dozen so you'll have plenty.

  3. no fresh water baits will surive in salt water very long, stick with where you are going fishing, fresh water,.use fresh water, salt water, etc, are use man made type baits,..

  4. Sonny and Jason are both very correct. I stay stick with your plan and just fish the freshwater with minnows. That's your best bet of catching anything. For saltwater try squid or shrimp. Good luck and good fishing!

  5. Sonny had it right, also fresh water fish won't look natural to salt water preditors...

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