
What is the best kind of pool table you can get under a grand with the best value?

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can i get an awnser by christmas?




  1. If a thousand dollars is your cap, you will probably be looking for a used table.  You might want to check the local for sale ads.  People are always looking to sell pool tables cheap on the condition that you come and move it out.  You also might find a decent used table at a billiards retail store.  Don't waste a dime on something that you don't want, like some cheap Kmart table.  If you have to wait a little longer to save up a little more, it will be worth it in the end.  Talk to a salesperson at a billiards retail store, and maybe you could even get a payment plan set up.  Happy hunting.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  2. a used brunswick if you get lucky, other good ones.........






    just make sure the table is slate.

  3. longhornzmaniac It's your news?

  4. NO walmart, NO Sears..get a table from a website/company that specializes in Pool Tables. A thousand will get u a nice table. Just make sure that u get a table from a website that specializes in pool tables. Like are low-mid end tables that u can find. There's a whole range of tables. I suggest  u go with a medium speed table..because over time a table gets slower..due to the fabric. If u get a slow table..ur speed on the table will decrease overtime making shots less accurate do to the fabric wearing real names that I can say...but there are low end products from big name pool table makers.

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