
What is the best kind of restuarant to get a job at?

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I need to get a new job and i was thinking about getting a job as a waitress, but i dont know what restuarants i should apply at I was thinking about Applebee's, or Texas Roadhouse. Any other suggestions? And also what kind of money do waitresses make?




  1. I have worked in restuarants for a long time. I personaly would stay away from most chain restuarants, they are too corperate. Fine dinning, you can make larger tips in a shorter amount of time, but you have to be really good. but if you have no experience you should start anywere you can,

  2. I would suggest starting somewhere small. the more experance you have however the easier it is to get a job a restaurants are always hiring so theres room for advancement. and as far as $ on the weekends i take home about $600 on average and thats just from Saturday and Sunday. but the amount you make depends on the quality of people you get, where in the country the restaurant is, how good you are as a server, and most importantly the guest flow of the resturant

  3. I'm not sure if all Texas Roadhouse's do this, but the one in our town pools tips together at the end of the night. What this means is that all the waiters/waitresses put their tips together and split them. This encourages helping each other out, like taking food to someone's elses table so those clients don't have to wait. Hourly you will make about $2.15, then you get tips. Drive be each restuarant at different times of the day and see which is busier.

  4. yeah those sound good. yeah a place were you can make tips is always a +! ♥

  5. If possible, i'd stay away from the chains... try fine dining first.. its definately better money.  I've been a server for about 5 years... on and off .. and i always come back , because the money so easy and usually pretty good! i work fri and sat night and make an easy 200+ a night...

    I'd stay away from places that dont serve alchohol though... like diners.. your tips will be like 1-2 dollars a table ..  and that is a lot of crappy work for such little money..

  6. I would start out someplace lower on the totem pole to gain experience.  Serving is not an easy job, and there is quite a bit to balance.  Without prior serving experience, Applebee's and TX Roadhouse will hire you on as a hostess for $7.00 an hour.  

    Start out at something small, get comfortable multi-tasking, see if it's for you, then move up.  

    I was a waitress for 8 years.  the key to making money is not where you are working, not how cute you are, it is how well you do your job.

    Be sure this is something you absolutely will live with for a while - the cash every night is addictive.

    Secondarily, can you take criticism? HONESTLY, can you personally be in a situation where the cook will not give you an item you forgot without a ticket, the manager wants to know when refills and napkins were supposed to go to table 12, because they are still waiting, and the other servers (the one catty snot usually rules the others and whips them in) are staring at you, not helping, and obviously whispering about you?

    Can you take care of 6 tables, of 4 people each, at once and remember table 12 wants a root beer and a coke refill, table 13 needs ranch, napkins, another dinner salad, table 14 is waiting for an order and the hostess just passed the drink order to you without getting it, the food is up for table 15, the appetizer is up for table 16, and the kids at table 17 just spilled their drink AGAIN?

    What about days where business is really slow and you only make $30.00?

    How about customers who will never be happy, who blame everything on you, and the wife who needs to personally, in front of everyone yell out that you suck at your job, and if she were your boss, she'd fire you, because you brought her a regular coke instead of a diet, and her husband is SURE he said no onions, even though he didn't, and you read the order back, and asked "anything else?" and he is allergic, and might die, and it's all your fault!

    It's a tough job, and I suggest starting out someplace small, first.  If you're good, you can make your money anywhere.

  7. Texas Roadhouse would be alot of fun! Applebee's doesn't seem as fun. They would probably pay about the same and tips would probably be similar. TGI Fridays, Ruby Tuesdays, Red Robin, On the Border, and Buffalo Wild Wings would also be fun.

  8. i agree with all the posters...If it's your first waitress job, you might want to go with a chain, but fine dining, privately owned restaurants are usually the best money.

    On the other hand, I once took a job at a place like that, it was supposed to be the next big wave, but, unfortunately, they were about 15 years ahead of their time, and it wasn't any next best thing.  Place was DEAD.  All day, all night. waste of my time!   but a good fine dining place is good tips.

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