
What is the best language programming

by  |  earlier

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i want to learn a new language ,so i need your opinion




  1. It depends. Some languages are more well suited for certain tasks than others. It's also largely a matter of opinion. As a first language, I would recommend Visual Basic since it's one of the easier ones to learn. Microsoft offers Visual Basic Express Edition (free) and has a great website for learning how to program. You can check out to download VB Express Edition and to get started on learning to program. Hope this helps. Good luck!

  2. I love VB but, you may think it too easy.

  3. You're asking for a flame war.  Just so you know.

    My answer would be "C".

    But you really need to specify your goals.  C is really good for when you have an idea of what you want the computer to do, and you want to specify it in no uncertain terms with all your silly optimizations left intact.  If you have some clue what you're doing, and performance is paramount, C is the ideal choice.  But  i also use it when others would write a 5 line shell script, despite knowing how to write scripts.

    I'm currently learning Python, Ruby and Scheme - despite knowing the best language ever invented.  Maybe that's why i've used so many.

  4. for me its IBM Lotus Notes

    but try also Java coz they say its where the future is

  5. Completly depends on what you want to program?

    A normal EXE type program?

    Then maybe Visual Basic or C

    A web program?

    Flash, PHP, .NET, ASP

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