I am looking for a sturdy lightweight stroller for my nearly 1 year old. He is a tall boy and large for his age - about 25 lbs. I travel frequently and need a light, easily maneuverable, compact folding stroller for him. Long term durability is not so important, just so long as it is durable for airline travel and not so careful foreign cabbies! Full recline would be nice, but partial would also be ok, and the storage basket is not a big deal (a plus if it has a decent one, but as long as it can hold a water bottle, it will probably do). I would like to stay under $100, but would spend up to $200 (sometimes clearances are wonderful this time of year) for a really great, durable stroller.
I have used a Combi DX since he was born, and while it was fantastic at first, it seems to not steer as well as it once did. I am not sure if that is due to his weight or just the stroller not being very durable. Has anyone else had this problem? If it is just a question of durability I would happily buy another Combi.
I am also drawn to Mia Moda Ceili Deluxe ... anyone used this? Any good?
Help me out - I don't want to go buy another Combi and then find out it was the weight of my child not the wear and tear on the stroller causing it not to turn!