
What is the best liquid (out of Orange juice, Apple juice and Gatorade) to use to grow bean plants and why?

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This is for science and i need the answers immediately. also any resources to visit would be nice. please rank them if possible.

In this question what is the best substitute for water to grow bean plants? so if u had no water and u needed to grow bean plants which would out of orange juice, apple juice and Gatorade would work the best and why?

Ok now not considering water which one do u think out of apple juice, orange juice and Gatorade will grow the best? any ideas? when we conducted the experiment we found the plant we fed with orange juice grew the most then Gatorade and no growth for apple. do u have any reasoning?




  1. None of these juices will likely do the plants any good.  Roots do not tend to take up organic substances which is what these solutions contain.  The sugars in these juices will stimulate growth of bacteria in the soil which could be harmful to the plants.  Supplementation of water with inorganic nutrients (nitrate, magnesium, potassium, phorphorus, micronutrients) would help if these are deficient in the soil.

  2. As to the reasoning for apple juice not being good--the acidity or ph of the liquid????  Just a guess.

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