
What is the best live food to feed for baby oscars and baby jack dempseys?

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i like aggressive fish and i will soon seperate the fish when they become aggressive so just let me know what they like best and ill get back to you.




  1. the best thing would be red worms or small gold fish feeders

  2. you can try worms

  3. brine shrimp its the best choice.

  4. Guppies, goldfish and other “feederfish”

    Just a few points to consider when feeding feeder fish:

    » 1. Is it really necessary?

    Of all the cichlids only pike cichlids really require feeders. Oscars and Large Central American cichlids certainly do not. Arrowanas, Saratogas, Cichla sp. and many other large piscivorous fish can be easily trained onto frozen fish.

    » 2. Is there a risk to my fish?

    In short, yes. Feeder fish are poorly cared for and carry many diseases that can easily infect larger fish. In particular worms and other internal macro-parasites are common in feeder goldfish.

    To minimise the risk to your prized fish, use guppies that you have bred yourself or that come from a respectable breeder. Ponds are the best way to raise large number of guppies. In colder areas Gambusia affinis (the mosquito fish) is a good choice as it is easily bred in large numbers. G. affinis is a species exotic to Australia and can easily be collected from water bodies around built up areas. Another option is to buy a pair of convicts (A. nigrofasciatus), raise the pair a tank of their own and use their fry for feeders. This is particularly useful for training Altolamprologines onto other food types. NEVER buy goldfish that look sick or from tank that contain several dead ones.

    Meal worms

    Meal worms are not really worms at all, they are small/medium arthropod grubs the larvae of a black beetle (Tenebrio sp.) It is usually easy to find a source and to culture these worms, best chances are to be found at aquariums, bird stores or clubs or reptile societies. These grubs are about 5-15 mm in length (depending on age) and are therefore suitable for larger fishes, particularly those with higher than average protein requirements. The number of mealworms fed to fishes such as the mbuna of Lake Malawi should be very limited as these fishes are predominately vegetarian by nature and too much protein will make them unhealthy.

    Brine Shrimp

    These are high in nutritional value but contain large amounts of sodium. Read more about brine shrimp.

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