
What is the best makeup for me (pic included)?

by Guest67036  |  earlier

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I need help with my foundation, concealer, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, and lip gloss. My skin breaks out, so I would like a foundation and concealer that helps cover it up. We are on a budget, so can you recommend the least expensive things? I have very oily skin. My skin is fair. Here is a pic Thanks in advance for the help.




  1. CoverGirl TruBlend Liquid Foundation in Natural Ivory, $8 at drugstores

    check out seventeen magazine; it really helps when it comes to finding products for your skin type

  2. foundation/concealer to make your skin look really clear =]. You should go for the natural look, so not too dark around the eyes, it would look good!

  3. iygkbyuhiukj

  4. use black eyeliner and mascara.

  5. clown make up will generally hide all ugliness

  6. i don't know much about make-up, just wanted to say you have really pretty eyes, i'd play them up.

  7. the main idea of foundation is to even up the skin, so don't pile on the foundation where u have acne or spots, its best to use a concealer there & a lil bit of translucent powder for a more polished look & to set it to last longer.

    go for soft shades of brown to go with ur eyes, & a lil mascara. u don't want loads of make up coz u r quite fair.

    try brands like collection 2000, they aren't majorly expensive, or just natural brands.

  8. umm I don't think makeup will do you a miracle!  

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