
What is the best martial art to practice by yourself when you don't have money to pay for lessons?

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I could find a friend to help me, its more about not having the money and not having an instructor.




  1. Basic boxing, including punches, footwork, conditioning and other drills can be learned alone. Basic Karate strikes and blocks as well (my first introduction to Karate and Judo were from books as a child) for most grappling arts, I recommend a partner. Also research different body-weight exercises to help you stay in fighting shape.

  2. BOXING - You will need to get a punching bag at some point, however its a one time cost (never knew anyone that busted a punching bag with use).  Boxing is half about fitness and conditioning which can be done for free by running, push ups and situps etc.

    Hope that helps.

  3. honestly its a whole lot better to practice with other people because a fight is a two way deal. for effectiveness id recomend any style that is on your feet, like kickboxing, karate, tkd, etc.

  4. Honestly, you're not going to learn anything by yourself or even training with someone else.  You need proper training and instruction.  Unfortunately, this is means you're going to have to find a way to set aside some money for this.  I know money's tight for most people right now, but getting the right training is worth the money.  You need to train with others so you learn what it's like to hit and be hit.  Shadow boxing is good, but shadows don't hit back.

  5. Just do shadow boxing and light sparring with a friend. Look online for youtube videos and such and get somebody to work out with. You absolutely need to work with another person to learn anything.


    Even online you will have to pay for membership fees and such. That's why I recommended you watch some youtube stuff and other free videos and practice the moves with a friend. USE CAUTION!!!

  6. Honestly? It depends on you, and how you grasp things, but I think you should stick to simple things like boxing, kickboxing (I wouldn't say Muay Thai, because it's more than just punches and kicks), and maybe something like wrestling (Nothing major, just little stuff), and basic grappling.

    If you have enough money, do the following:

    Get gear for you and your friend. Go light initially. This is important, because you two don't have an instructor to specify.

    -Get supplemental gear like a bag, hand wraps, bag and/or training gloves.

    -You can buy a dvd centered around the style of your choosing, but you can also look online for videos, tutorials, and the like to help you. Examples:

    BJ Penn's site has basic striking, and basic to advanced grappling techniques free of charge.

    Search an engine with a title such as "Boxing technique tutorials."

    If you decide to get the equipment, it shouldn't run you more than a couple hundred bucks (Less if you get it used).

    It's good that you might have a partner, but it still won't be anywhere near as good if you were to be able to have an instructor on hand. As I said, please go LIGHT with the contact until you either find a school, or you guys have a good grasp of what you're doing. I mean it. This could take years.

    I don't know how old you are, but if you are underage, then I would suggest having an adult on hand if at all possible.

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