
What is the best material to make anti-cast strips for horses that get cast?

by Guest65614  |  earlier

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I have a 17.1 hand Hannoverian gelding that frequently casts himself, and I want to know what kind of anti-cast strips I should use... I heard of 2 by 4's, or rubber mats. What would be best? Also, how high should I install them?




  1. Not my answer, but the referance.

    Most stabled horses live out their lives without ever getting cast in their stalls, but every now and again, a chronic case comes along who can't seem to cope with enclosing walls. One cure is to never stable him; another is to keep him in a stall small enough to discourage rolling and to "bank" the walls with a generous wedge of bedding, but the banks have to be quite large and well maintained to keep him away from the walls. For an inveterate horse, you could even construct a stall with easily removed partitions and install an intercom system to keep an ear out for the sounds of his frequent struggles.

    I would take care about 2x4  if they get kick and rubbed against, could leave shivers.

  2. Maybe you've seen these or similar products:

    I'd rather spend a little money on that sort of product than risking it with DIY 2x4's, personally.  I think I've also seen stall walls lined with rubber or some other kind of "grippy" material a few feet off the ground- you could even just mount some non-slip tiles to the walls, something like this:

    If you haven't already tried the shavings approach, it's worth a shot.  Make sure the sides are HIGH, at least as deep as your horse's knees/hocks if he were to stand to the ground in them.

    Install them around 2-3 ft from the ground- you can see some pictures of them installed if you look around on the internet.

    If you board your gelding, I'd see if your barn owner would split the costs involved and make it a permanent part of the stall.  Maybe it will be so successful they will install something in all the stalls!

  3. I wouldn't use 2x4's - I'd go for the rubber strips and bank the bedding all around the walls.

    As for the height - well I guess that he's marked the wall when he's been cast so I'd base the height on where his kick marks are.

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