
What is the best med for controlling MANIA with the lease side effects?

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What is the best med for controlling MANIA with the lease side effects?




  1. Jackie, side effects are really a person to person type of thing. What one person has another might not. Now, that's not saying that there are certain definitive side effects that a control group had, but as far as SSRI's go... they primarily have the same deals.

    If your Bipolar I've had 3 clients who have taken Lamictal and all swear by it so... maybe you could look into that.

    Good luck.

  2. Each person responds differently to each med or med combination.  Lamictal has very few side effects for many (at least it does for me), but it's best at depression.  Some also have to take another med to handle the manicky side of the illness (which is something I have to do).  Lithium works without much in the way of side effects for about half who try it.  Trileptal is supposed to have a low side effect profile.  Some do well on Tegretol or Depakote, others use an antipsychotic by itself or in conjunction to one or more the above.  All except Lamictal are particularly good at managing serious bipolar I mania.  Unfortunately, you'll have to work with your doctor to find what works best for you.  I wish it didn't work that way, but it's the way it goes with managing bipolar.

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