
What is the best medicine to prevent nausea and vomiting?

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  1. gravol

  2. marinol, which contains the active ingredient of marijuana -- THC. There are other meds available of course, but Marinol (dronabinol) is the most effective. Since you are taking it orally as opposed to smoking marijuana, the Marinol will take about 45 mins to have an effect

  3. Melleril =Thioridazine

  4. Ask for Zofran (ondansetron).  Marinol (tetrahydrocannabinol, THC,dronabinol) is not as effective and is NEVER used as a post-op nausea medication.  It is reserved for cancer and AIDS patients who have long-term intractable nausea and is a maintenence medication.  For acute nausea caused by anesthesia, Zofran is the drug of choice.  Anzemet is similar to Zofran and is about as effective.   Zofran is superior to phenergan and has less side effects.

  5. Scopolomine 1.5 mg patch applied before surgery.

    Decadron (dexamethasone) 5-10 mg IV after induction of general anesthesia

    Zofran (ondansetron) before emergence from GA

    Avoid use of nitrous oxide intraoperatively

    Use propofol for induction, and possibly as part of the maintenance anesthetic (depending on the procedure and patient comorbidities)

    That works well for my patients most of the time.

  6. phenergan, generic name promethazine

  7. Marinol, which contains the active ingredient of marijuana -- THC. There are other meds available of course, but Marinol (dronabinol) is the most effective. Since you are taking it orally as opposed to smoking marijuana, the Marinol will take about 45 mins to have an effect.

    Note - David M is totally incorrect. It is up to the physician as to what med to give you and Marinol is the most effective. As for the statement that Marinol is reserved for cancer and AIDS patients as a maintenence med, that's nonsense. My physician prescribed Marinol as a way of relaxing stressed muscles. Marinol is a Schedule 3 drug. This means it may be prescribed for off-label use.

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