
What is the best method of annoying "environmentalists"?

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Other than leaving your patio heater burning 24/7?




  1. Going outside, aiming an aerosol can at the sky, one in each hand, and pressing the button with a smug look on your face.  Make sure there's a crowd.

  2. Drop dead and don't make arrangements to get your corpse recycled.

  3. Drive a huge gas guzzling S.U.V like an H2 Hummer

  4. Show that you are smarter than them. I'll be waiting and waiting and waiting....................................

  5. write  a letter agreeing with everything they say , but send a hundred copies.

  6. Go to parliament on a bike with you driver following behind in a 12 cylinder car bringing your shoes

  7. Agree with them. whilst laughing!!!!

  8. um how bout not being a douchebag

  9. Use the TRUTH... gets 'em every time

  10. The best way i have found is to use facts when you argue with them, they can't defend themselves against them.

  11. Putting their name in quotation marks is a good start.

  12. Yeaah, drive around (an SUV) everywhere just for kicks and throw garbage everywhere when you're with them and take more napkins than necessary and throw them out, throw stuff in the ocean, etc.

  13. Go to McDonald's, eat half of what you order, then throw the other half and the wrappers out the window. Then pull up to them with a cigarette in your mouth and ask them for a light!

  14. hop into your 1978 econoline van that hasnt had a tune up in 25 years....go to an old school burger joint that uses meat bought from a slaughter house that abuses cows,  sells fountain drinks that use CFC's to pump the soda through the lines and still uses pure unbiodegradeable styrofoam. after your done munchin your food while taking the roads that take the longest to get to your Bear Hunting Association meeting, throw all the garbage out the window into the local river that leads out to the ocean along with all those pesky 6 pack rings from your beer cans. while your at it, throw all those recyclable beer cans in the river too. i think this would be a good start to pissing off an environmentalist.

  15. cut down trees dont recycle open a nuclear plant

  16. Trying to annoy people working as hard they can to protect the environment while at the same time making up the for the lack of concern, effort and understanding from people like you too ignorant or too apathetic or too oblivious to even care about it to the point you would hinder there efforts causing everyone, yourself and myself included sharing this same world greater harm then your own simple inaction is annoying enough as it is.

  17. Why would you want to annoy them? So what if they believe in something, because everyone should. Don't you believe in something you like? Should we annoy you about it? Let them be, unless they harass you, directly, first.

  18. Just being yourself ?

  19. Claiming there is no such thing as Global Warming.  Even though you already know it is hotter this year than last.  To deny what is so obvious really really pisses them off.  Its kinda like that game you played when you were little to your friend where you and the gang pretended you couldn't see or hear them.  Drives em bonkers.

  20. why would you want to annoy people, that's not nice. just live your own life and mind your own business.

  21. asking questions like the next one about Cheryl Crow;...

  22. The Motor Car racists and  heavy Car producers are annoying them already.

    The Lack of rains , pure water,  green vegetables and grains ANNOY them enough.

    You too want to annoy them? p**s at their faces.

  23. place dog p**p inside a paper bag and burn it in front of their house!!!!

  24. Off the top of my head, probably pollution as it destroys so much.

  25. lol....I don't know why you would want to annoy them, but try farting alot in public....gotta love that methane gas!!!

  26. Driving your big old SUV down the road and littering at the same time!

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