
What is the best military branch to join?

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I am 18 and have my NR-EMT and I want to join the military. I was thinking coast guard or Army. What would the best choice for me? Tell me why? Thanks




  1. quotes from around the various branches:

    army: 'this sucks'

    marines: 'this sucks, and i LIKE IT!'

    ranger: 'this doenst suck enough!'

    airforce: 'looks like it sucks down there....'

  2. I was in the Navy for 6 years and I loved it.

    All of our military branches are great, but if I had to do all over again, I would still choose the Navy, with the Air Force being a close 2nd.

    The Air Force has great accomindations for their members, and the Navy has the Best Duty Stations.

    The Army and the Marines are outstanding fighters, but they are not as comfortable as the Navy and Airforce and you are more likely to go to Iraq. ( I have been with the Marines. I was a Nurse in the Navy, and was stationed with the Marines for three years). I find that the Marines stick together and are the most loyal to one another.

    All in all, it depends on the type of experience you are looking for. If you are looking for a steady job, that you feel safe in and you will get to possibly travel the world the Navy is for you.

    If you want to Comfort, the Air Force.

    If you want to Fight, or so called REALLY SERVE... then join the Army or Marines, but expect to be in for a fight!

    Good luck with your choice!

    **** I just noticed that you wanted to be an EMT.....

    The Air Force will Nationally certify you. So will the Navy. So when you get out you will easily get a job. Also if you were to join the Navy, you could very possibly work with the Marines, because the Navy serves as the medical department.

  3. Really it all depends on what you want to go into. If you wanna be an EMT then your best bet would be anything but the airforce, more primarily the marines or the army, as they would be in most need of you. Those two branches are on or near the front lines most of the time and are therefore, generally, going to be needing more medical attention.

    But if you change your mind and want to go to more technical stuff, things like computers or engineering, then the navy or, more than likely, the airforce is for you.

  4. Marines!

    Army are pansy's comparatively.

  5. well the BEST to me would be the Marines...

    But you have a better chance of not going to iraq and all that if you go to the navy...that's just my choice though

  6. Marines. Or Air Force. Anything but the Army, really.

  7. If you want to see plenty of availability and opportunity, but possible battle time, then join the army. If you want to see less availability of opportunity, but want to avoid going into a ground war, I would suggest the Coast Guard. Either way you will see plenty of action and new things around the world. I'd suggest you go with the Coast Guard, but this is up to you

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