
What is the best money to take into cuba?

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What is the best money to take into cuba?




  1. If your going from the UK you take Sterling, all the hotels have exchange facilities so you can get your money changed at anytime and they don't rip you off, at Easter we were getting 18 Cuban pesos for every £10 which was really good, you can use your credit and debit cards in Cuba too just as long as they aren't American based ones, but remember if you do use them to book trips or to take money out of the bank whilst in Cuba you will be charged 11.6% for the privilege on your next credit card bill, we generally take £500 with us for two weeks and out of that we did Havana overnight, swan with dolphins and went to Cayo Blanco, bought tons of things to bring home with us, gave tips to the staff and bought booze and ciggies at the airport on the way home and still had almost £100 left to bring home with us, Cuba is really cheap and the most amazing place to go, have a wonderful time.

  2. Euros or Canadian Dollars,  the Cubans charge a larger conversion rate for American currency.  Thank George Bush for that another country he has managed to turn against us.

  3. US Dollars. They don't wanna see anything else.....

  4. I'm not sure where you're from...but CAD, Euros, Sterling, and Mexican Pesos can be taken into Cuba and exchanged for CUC (Cuban convertible -- for tourists only).

    You can take US dollars but is not recommended as you will be charged a fee of at least 10-11% for exchange. So even though the US dollar may be 'economical' for some, it is not economical to use in Cuba.

    You may want to only change your money a little bit at a time instead of all at once since you'll need to change your money back when coming home. CUC have no value outside of Cuba (unless you want to keep them for souvenirs).

    Credit cards and travellers' cheques are also allowed in Cuba but as long as they are also not from a US-based financial institution.

  5. US Dollar

  6. You can only change currency once you get there. Dollar is not widely accepted anymore. Boss is there at the mo and she had this query. So local currency is best.

  7. Its illegal to have US dollars in Cuba. They want nothing to do with America. Try Canadian.

  8. The posters who said the U. S. dollar are without any doubt  absolutely wrong.   Why they gave misleading info is anyone's guess, possibly ignorance but  but I'd be willing to bet they are part of the group who constantly try to  mislead those of us who love going to Cuba. You pay a penalty if you take U. S. cash and traveller's cheques drawn on U. S. banks are not negotiable at all,  the same goes for U. S. credit cards.  Take Canadian, Sterling, Euros, Swiss francs, in fact any hard currency.  You can check the approximate rate below for conversion to Convertible Pesos CUC  the currency used by tourists.  Have a wonderful time, Cuba and Cubans are  wonderful.  Chances are you go once you will be back.

  9. if you from the uk take pound that what we r doing and my friends did

    do not take American Dollar r anything to do with American

    eg Master Card visa card and do not take American Express

    hope this helps

  10. The American Dollar.


    There is a 10% tax when you exchange them.

    Besides this, people will not take them.

    People here telling you to take us dlls have never been in Cuba.

    Sterling, Euros, Canadian pesos or Mexican pesos are welcome and do not have any tax.

    That simple.

  12. canadian dollor, or euro, the american dollar is weak now.  but if you only have american that will also be ok, they will take it.

  13. i went in october 2005, you need to use their currency which is the convertible peso, you can only change it up to the peso when you are in cuba though have a great time x

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