
What is the best month to take a holiday in New Zealand ?

by Guest33594  |  earlier

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What is the best month to take a holiday in New Zealand ?




  1. NEVER!

  2. Hi,

    I'm from New Zealand and have traveled around almost all of the country.

    The height of the summer is in January and February and depending on where you are the temperature will be in the 20s to low 30s Celsius - 70s to 90s Fahrenheit. Personally I'd avoid January as the locals are still on their summer holidays and therefore the holiday spots are at their busiest and most expensive.

    If you are planning on having a look around I'd suggest that at minimum you visit for two weeks but in three you can get a good feel for the country.

    If you like hiking you should go to Central Otago and Westland in the South Island - there are a number of Conservation Department maintained trails. One of my favorite spots is Abel Tasman National Park at the top of the South Island.

    If you want to lay on a beach for a week there are plenty of nice spots but I'd go for a more tropical climate in Australia or one of the Pacific islands.

  3. December to February are the sunniest, warmest months. You can go snorkelling, scuba-diving, bungee-jumping, hiking, camping, beach-hopping, fishing, the works. Late December to early January is probably best in terms of weather, but it varies from year to year. If you'd prefer to ski instead, come during June/July. Enjoy!

  4. Well, l'd say december cause it's summer!

  5. We went in September, which was nice because it was the start of their spring. October might be a little better because the Southern Island was not yet blooming, but the Northern Island was showing her colors. That is if you are into the scenery. If you are going for any other reason, then let us know and we will try to help.

  6. well, id say in november. but if you want real sun go in january, its summer then. good luck, my moms been there for 6 weeks before, and she loved it- its really beautiful, so enjoy it! by the way, my mom went in ju;y and august and it was ******* cold. so thats probably not the best time to go

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