
What is the best month to visit Europe?

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What is the best month to visit Europe?




  1. For the most part, I would say early fall (end of Aungest-September). Unless you want to do something specific like skiing. If you want to ski, the go in the winter. If you want to relax on the beaches, try summer. But, just to meet the people and see the land I would say early fall. The weather is mild and the tourists are limited. Hope this helps and have fun if you go! :)

  2. I agree with Dragon Rider.  During the wine harvest, there are a lot of local fests.

  3. June, July, August.

    Quite cool in Europe.

    Unless you WANT snow.

  4. May - the weather is warming up and there aren't as many tourists as during June and July when everyone and their mother is on vacation.  If you are going to the more southerly countries such as Italy and Spain and the south of France, even April is a good time.  Avoid Europe in August.  That's when all the Europeans go on vacation and it's just insane!

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