
What is the best (most authentic) chinese restaurant in China town (in London)?

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Inexpensive is a bonus.




  1. The China China is very good, on the corner opposite the Cambridge Circus underground car park. At lunchtimes I frequently have a plate of beef on rice with greens, including tea it comes to about £6.

  2. I recommed two:

    Crispy Duck is in the road parallell to Gerrard Street and Lisle Street. It is very good value and, having lived and worked in China, I can say that it is certainly the most like a real Chinese restaurant.

    The Hong Kong Diner is also really good. They have really good quality food and nice atmosphere. The food is well-priced too.

  3. I doubt if there are any authentic restaurants outside of China.

    To be authentic, you must shout everything you say, spit on the floor, throw food around the table, leave scraps and bones all over the table-cloth, drink out of your soup bowl without a spoon, have MSG in every food item, and get very drunk.

  4. Wong Kei!  It's the best!  Also Cheung Chung Ko (near the KFC on Wardorf street) has the best dim sum

  5. They are all pretty good, the only thing I would say try to find one off the main street, they're a bit touristy and commercial, some excellent smaller restaurants are in Lisle Street, runs parallel to Gerrard Street.

  6. Theyre all much the same in my experience.

  7. Mr Woo

  8. Wong Kei...... Cheapest and very friendly.......

  9. Generally the restaurants in Lisle Street are better than Gerrard Street.  Mr Kong and Fung Shing.  However, I would reccommend The Mayflower in Shaftesbury Avenue (just around corner from Gerrard Street) I have been goin there for years and has the added bonus of serving til about 4 in the morning! It is reasonably priced too as well as being v authentic

  10. won kie just off china town, great experience. try the sweet & sour soup. Mmmmm yum yum

  11. Try the Dumpling Inn. Some excellent reviews and in my experience excellent food at reasonable (London) prices

  12. Mr Wu. Or if you're feeling like a real treat, try Mr Au. Like a rich man's Mr Wu.

    Hope this helps. 5 stars please!

  13. go to wagamamas

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