
What is the best/most effective creatine formula I can buy and where can i buy it?

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I have looked at formulas at GNC, but I have no idea which one is the most effective for building muscle mass. If you can cite studies that would be awesome. Please don't just tell me that creatine doesn't work, if you believe that then please cite a study saying that. Otherwise I am a 5'8'' 16 year old, I weigh 165 pounds, and I am trying to build muscle mass. Also if you know the dosages and how to start out taking it (cycles, stacking, etc) that would be great.




  1. no where, creatine will kill you in 10 years!!

    problem is that creatine has only been around for like 2 or 3 years so no one has died yet so everyone thinks it's okay!!

    creatine is still a steroid!!

  2. Creatine is not a steroid, nor will it kill you in 10 years. It has been on the market about 10 years by this point. It is a naturally occuring compound found in meat. The idea behind creatine is that it draws water into your muscle cells, making them larger in size (and able to absorb more protein).

    Creatine does tend to cause stomach upset though. I've heard this is due to the particle size. Some brands grind the powder down finer than other brands do. The GNC brands tend to leave a gritty power at the bottom of the cup which doesn't dissolve. But I have been using the AST brand "Micronized" Creatine (meaning the particles are about a micron in size) and it stays suspended in the liquid better.

    In addition, right after your workout you need a source of carbohydrates to help speed the absorption of the creatine. The old-school method was to mix creatine power with 8 ounces of grape juice. That is fine if you workout at home and the grape juice is right there in the fridge. But for the gym that isn't practical. There are many brands that mix the carbohydrate source with the creatine. This makes it easy to carry along the creatine mixture in power form in your shaker cup and then mix it with water after your last working set. Do not mix creatine with water and leave it set. It breaks down in water after about an hour into a low level toxin (which you body gets rid of).  So always carry it in powder form. Do *NOT* buy any "pre-mixed" creatine products, and do not trust any company which markets such products.

    I've been using AST's Creatine HSC formula for years. The best price I have found is here:

    (And they will beat any lower on-line price by 5%). Prices on-line will *Always* be lower than GNC (with the possible exception of "Gold Card" membership "loss-leader" specials.)

    AST's website is worth reading (though obviously very self-promoting). It has a good Q&A area.

    Since you are 16 you are in the prime muscle building years. Your body is already producing the peak level of human growth hormone. While creatine may not hurt you, I'm not convinced that it will help you enough to make any huge difference.  Heavy working sets and a good quality whey protein right after your last set would be the best thing you can do. Obviously cut out the junk food and eat lots of vegetables too.

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