
What is the best most expensive hybrid car?

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I've seen the hybrids these days that only get 44 mpg which if you think about it, isn't really all that great. Sure it saves you money but my car gets 35 mpg and im fine with that.

Is there any what you could call "super hybrids" that get like 60-100 miles a gallon or more.

I remember reading about a car getting 200 mpg but the gas companies paid them off to keep the car off the market, what a pity I would like to have that.

So what are so great hybrids out there and I mean really good.




  1. the Aptera Typ-1

  2. Hybrids are over rated.  They cost several thousand dollars more than a fuel efficient gasoline vehicle, but only give a few more miles per gallon.

    Those thousands of dollars extra you spent on a hybrid could have bought a lot of gas, even at today's prices..

    You have to really do the math and figure out your break even point.  For most hybrids, this is well past 100,000 miles.  And by this point, you may need to start considering replacing your batteries.  And you are behind again.

    You are much better off saving your money and buying a fuel efficient gasoline car.

    But you hybrid owners may at least feel good with the illusion that you are saving a little money.

    There is no 200 mpg car.  This is a myth.  Do you think for one minute that if one of the major auto makers had the plans and rights to build one, they wouldn't build it in a heartbeat?  Think of the advantage this would give them over their competition.  They couldn't build them fast enough.  There would be long waiting lists.  Nobody would want the comparatively gas guzzling cars their competition made. They could charge whatever they wanted.  There would be no reason not to build a car like this.

  3. The Aptera is supposed to get 300 MPG with a combination of gas and electric.

  4. Install a HHO gas kit and double your mpg.

  5. Another thing to consider......

    The batteries in most hybrid cars/trucks/suv's cost so much money.  For example, in the Ford Explorer there are 5 batteries.  You need to replace them every 5 years approximately at a cost of $1000/each.  Ouch!  

    Plus when you take the vehicle in for maintenance most technicians/shops might not have the knowledge/equipment to work on you will have to pay more and go to a special shop.

    Too much if you ask me.

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