
What is the best nation in the world?

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What is the best nation in the world?




  1. Urination

  2. Obviously USA.

    Want to know why?

    I am American, and I am tought to not give a c**p about other nations.

  3. That depends on your personal preference.  I personally don't feel comfortable saying that the usa is the best, because i've only been to one other country in my life.  You would also have to live there as a citizen before you could honestly say which is best.

  4. USA, I'm surprised you had to ask!

  5. Canada or the US... But others are notable...

  6. usa!

  7. Every nation has good and bad reputation , so that none is the best in all aspects (politics, economy, educations etc) - I think regarding democracy and political power USA, economic trends China etc.

  8. It depends on your criteria for judging "best".

    Regarding military, definitely the USA. It helps that we outspend the rest of the world in weaponry.

    In healthcare and employment, there's a bunch of countries way ahead of us.

  9. It depends on what you mean by "best". But I would go for Switzerland.

    Switzerland has almost 0% crime rate, 98% employment rate, 99% literarcy rate, 100% heath care, and 97% having their own homes. The Swiss are virtually unaffected by rising food and oil prices, don't have issue about global warming and pollution, illegal immigration, terrorism, and more important... they are very satisfied with their government and the state of their economy.

  10. USA of course, not even any real competition.

  11. USACanadaUSACanadaUSACanadaUSACanadaUSAC...

  12. USA

  13. you cannot deny the superiority of the british. thats why all americans love us and wish they were brits. do you know the differnce between a yank and a brit??????   one thinks theyre the best in the world and the other knows hes the best.  not decrying the yanks though. we brits love the americans  you are just like us without the class

  14. Australia

  15. The Scandinavian countries like Norway, Denmark, Sweden are often considered the best countries in the world...

  16. DUBAI

    If your a citizen,  at a certain age the governments gives them like 30k dollars just for being a citizen, free schooling, cheap healthcare.

    Better architect. And women already have bags on their heads. So it doesnt matter if they have butterfaces. LOL

  17. I love all the USA answers. Perhaps if their cretin of a president were to have the aswerers labelled "enemy combatants", and give them a one way ticket to some podunk shithole for a little light water boarding followed by a long stint at Guantanamo Bay they might feel differently? Or if their emails/text messages/phone calls were monitored by homeland security without a warrant or even so much as a semblance of probable cause? With almost 60 million people with no healthcare, an adult literacy rate lower than that of Cuba, stratospheric crime & homelessness, an ecnomy teetering on the verge of bankruptcy, and thousands of US troops dead in pointless wars, and a voting system that allows the electoral college to overturn the decision of the majority....well, I can see why you'd say it was the best nation in the world. So much "freedom".

    Personally I'd say it's Norway. I've travelled all over the world, and it has outstanding socialized medicine, a very high standard of living, low crime, low drug issues, a very high average income, environmentally responsible attitudes, excellent transport, one of the few world economies with a trade surplus, outstanding education, and some of the best looking women in the world.

  18. USA man, we can say whatever we want, without gettiing our balls chopped off, like in China.  

  19. USA BABY!!!!

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