
What is the best natural way to help lower your blood pressure?

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What is the best natural way to help lower your blood pressure?




  1. Try Yoga: Forward bends are most effective in treating high blood pressure. These exercises calm the brain, normalize the blood circulation to the brain and lower the stress due to the sense organs, resulting in lower blood pressure. Consequently the brain, the sympathetic nervous system and the sense organs become free from stress, the cardiac output and the pulse rate slow down and blood pressure becomes stable. As a result, the high blood pressure goes down.

    Other asanas that have positive effects on the nervous system and reduce the blood pressure are Uttanasana and Adhomukha Svanasana.

  2. So my blood pressure was up.  I started taking CQ 10 and exercising and it went down in just few days.  The key is exercise, plenty of water as dehydration can increase B/P, celery as some studies have shown that it decreases B/P and of course avoiding salt.  When you look really carefully sodium is in about everything, especially prepackaged and frozen foods.  

    Here's a tip try shredded wheat original with cinnamon and rice milk for a low sodium meal and increase fruits and veggies and you see your B/P decrease too.  Good Luck!

  3. The DASH diet and exercise.  The DASH diet is the diet recommended by the American Heart Association and has strong evidence to support it.

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