
What is the best news program?

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No bias, informative on more than how much B.Spears weighs? I've been listening to BBCAmerica-World News, but I like the accent.




  1. Try cnn.

  2. CNN is too liberal

    Fox news is far too conservative

    MSNBC is pretty liberal but critical of both liberals and conservatives

    I find John Stewart to be the most fun because he pokes fun at both political parties in a way that is both witty, funny and brings the issues to light in an easily understandable manner. It's unbiased and sadly the comedic element of the show makes you realize how truely stupid each party is, and unspins a lot of the c**p.

    O'Reilly and Olberman are very good at unravelling alot of the spin in politics, unfortunately they're both highly biased in their political beliefs Olberman to the left and O'Reilly to the right.

    Bill Mauer is pretty unbiased if you get the chance to listen to any of his reporting. He definately leans a little bit to the left, but he's highly critical of both parties.

  3. CNN is a liberal news channel

    FOX world news is the best by far. They give an unbiased view of the news.  

  4. BBC

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