
What is the best nickname for federer?

by Guest33546  |  earlier

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Since Novak haters have many nicknames for him. There should one for federmono..

a) Federmono

b) Monoger

c) Mono Fed

d) Federcleosis

e) Mono Federcleosis

f) Rogermono Federcleosis

g) (other)




  1. king of tennis.

  2. Fed Ex

  3. Chubby Chaser, because his girlfriend Mirka is a fat-azz.

  4. other

  5. g) (other) as in GOAT

  6. king of grass or feddy

  7. The Fed Ex

  8. wow, interesting choices.but I pick THE SWEETEST CHAMPION for him.

  9. Federmono or monoger are the best outa all....but still not short enuf for people to use them as a NICKNAME...pick a shorter one....

  10. lol @ Sonja M -- my fav. answer :)

    After his past 2 matches against Nadal, you can probably include "chokoger" also now.

    I'll go for "Monoger" still.

  11. Number 1...   works for me !!!!

  12. Fedexpress

  13. g) Little Roger

    g) the King

    g) the SuperHuman

    g) Mr.NonDirty Dozen

    g) the G.O.A.T.

    Hey you can Hate him all you want but he is...

    g) Simply the BEST

    Or what about

    g) a Champion Forever

    You can add "One Shot Wonder" for Novak with his One Grand Slam or "the Flash in the Pan" since for all his talk he only has One Grand Slam that he won by beating Tsonga who played average compared to how well he played against Rafa and of course Roger with his illness was no competition to Nole. I wonder if it bothers him that he didn't really earn that Aussie Open but it was more given to him.

  14. other duh!

    like feds or fed

  15. Ooh honey you are my new favorite person lol. The Federmono fans are vicious so watch out. They can't accept that MonoFed is no longer the best. Federcleosis' best days are long gone. We will no longer see Rogermono Federcleosis' (otherwise known as Monoger) name on the champion's cup. Mono Federcleosis is done.

    LoL now that I see them in a sentence I like Federmono or MonoFed the best.

  16. Federmono

  17. G) other

    Federer the Fantastic, but Number 1 works fine also.

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