
What is the best night time diaper for my 14 months old girl. She always wake up wet with pampers cruisers..?

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What is the best night time diaper for my 14 months old girl. She always wake up wet with pampers cruisers..?




  1. Pampers leaked with me as did Luvs.  Now I use Target brand and they have never leaked even when my daughter was just born and soaked her diaper alot.  Except when my husband didn't change her diaper before her middle of the night feedings.  Going up a size will make it worse because it's not as snug.  Too many gaps for it to leak when soaked.

  2. I personally don't like Pampers. Huggies are what we use here. It works better than Pampers (my opinion), so just try Huggies a couple times.

  3. consider changing the diaper before you go to bed.  my daughter slept right thru the change.  limit oral intake an hour before bed.

  4. I had the best luck with Huggies...pampers always leaked with my kids.

  5. Try Huggies Overnights.  They are special diapers for the night time that come in sizes 3 through 6.  These worked best for all of my children at night.

  6. We switched to Luvs (partly because they are cheaper) and went up a size, which helped a ton - with the bigger size we never get leaks now unless we put the diaper on crooked or something.

  7. I always use Huggies for bed time.  Make sure you change her right before she goes to sleep and reduce her drinking about an hour prior to bed.  If she drinks a bottle or cup of water before bed very likely that is going to happen no matter what you put on her.

  8. i liked luvs the best. they were much cheaper than pampers too...

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