
What is the best novel and/or series that you've ever read?

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What is the best novel and/or series that you've ever read, and why!?

Don't give away the ending for me please... I may read some of them!!



(Contemporary and classics are welcome)




  1. The World According to Garp by John Irving. It was so good, it literally changed my life. I've never read a book like it, i felt like I personally knew all the characters. It is the only book that I turned over and read again right after i finished it.

  2. There are many great classic novels I enjoy:

    Of Mice and Men

    Their Eyes Were Watching God

    A Lesson Before Dying

    The Great Gatsby

    A Farewell To Arms

    Huckleberry Finn

    Ethan Frome

  3. In my teenage years I loved the various series written by Virginia Andrews & then when she died her family published work that she hadn't yet completed.These days I enjoy self help & spiritual books,such as meditation,natural therapies etc.Over the years my collection has grown so large I had to take out a separate insurance policy.Another series that comes to mind is The Celestine Prophecy

  4. East of Eden.  Not to sound cheesy, but this book made me go to sleep crying or fall out of my chair laughing.  It has the worst villian I've come across.  It also has the kindest character I've ever come across.  I felt like I could relate to Cal because I saw some of my thoughts go through his head.  I feel like I learned more about the complexity of human existence from the book.

  5. Gemma Doyle Trilogy!!!!!

    I love The Host!!!!!

  6. I would say the 7 book series Harry Potter.

    My reason is because the story line is so good.

    Rowling (author) has a way of bringing her words together to make you feel like you are there. The journey for Harry extrodinary! I highly recommend it.

  7. Twilight because the world smeyer has created its AMAZING and it included hot vamps and friendly wolves.  

  8. the twilight sereies durr

    i LOVEEEE it cuz it is about VAMPIRES and love

    it is a vampire love  story . . . i mean come on who doesnt want that


  9. "His Dark Materials" trilogy

    Phillip Pullman

    NO TWILIGHT!!!!!

  10. My favorite is Nature of Jade but I also love Sarah Dessen's books, To Catch a Pirate, and a Ring of Endless light

  11. It's a three-way tie.

    1) Harry Potter

    2) The Mediator Series by Meg Cabot

    3) The Lord of the Rings

    Twilight's okay, but the writing style annoys me.

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