
What is the best online due date calculator for working out when my baby will be born?

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I've just found out that I'm pregnant again and I'm very excited. I'd like to know what the best tool online to calculate my Estimated Delivery Date (EDD) is? This is my second child, which I know makes a difference, but none of the due date calculators online seem to take factors like this into account. I also have irregular periods and would like a tool that included this too. The calculators I have used give due dates which worryingly differ by a few days - should I be concerned by this? Which is best?

Thanks for your help!





  2. Hi there,

    I've currently writing up my thesis on variations in due date. You are spot on with your observation that the due date calculators are generally inadequate, as they don't take into account the latest research on gestation factors and all the various variable like period regularity, parent ethnicity, age etc. The best online site by far that I have come across in my research is, so that's where I'd recommend you go to, although of course your dating scan will ultimately be the most accurate determinant.

    Good luck and congratulations !


  3. You can do it urself. Count back three months past your last missed menstral cycle and add seven days. For example: if you last missed period was december 1, 2007. Your due date would be September 8, 2008.

  4. Babies pick their birthdays!!

    One size does NOT fit all. There are exceptions that must be considered, but many physicians rigidly apply the same dating rules for every woman anyway.  If you have irregular periods yet your doctor does not seem flexible in regard to dating, this may be an early sign that you need to seek another health provider ASAP.  If your due dates are set incorrectly, your AFP tests (alpha-fetoprotein tests for birth defects) may come back with a false positive which prompts some doctors to insist on abortion.   You may also be pressured into all kinds of unnecessary interventions at 'term' when you are not really at term at all. A common result is to be pressured into a pitocin induction of labor, which when done on an unripe cervix has a very high failure rate, can be quite painful, and often ends in a C-section for "failure to progress." In addition, babies who are induced due to incorrect dating may be born earlier than nature intended, and can have immature lungs and other problems, needing special care.  

    One of the biggest obstacles is misunderstanding your "due date." A due date does not mean there is only one safe day for your baby to be born. It is meant to establish a range of time that your baby is mature and safe to be born.  In a well-nourished, low risk pregnancy it is normal for your baby to be born between 37 and 42 weeks gestation. Many natural events take place within your body during the last weeks of pregnancy to prepare you for labor. Allow time for the natural process to occur.  Understanding this and feeling confident in your body enough to find a midwife or doctor who will let you wait as long as you need to and only give the interventions you want is vital.  

    Also remember that as the baby is growing you should leave room to change the due date.  I too have irregular periods and when two of my babies weren't measuring big enough we changed our dates and then the babies came right on time.  I would suggest you answer everyone who asks when you are due with beginning/mid/end of 'fill in the month' so they don't call you the day after your due date and ask what you're doing wrong. :)

  5. i go to i like it a lot.


    This is a pretty good website check it out.

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